Minister: Law Enforcement in PPKM Darurat Should Be Firm, Humanistic, Respectful

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 18 Juli 2021
Category: News
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Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian delivers press statement on Evaluation of Implementation of Emergency Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM Darurat), Saturday (17/7). (Photo taken from: Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment’s YouTube channel)

Law enforcement in the Emergency Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM Darurat) must be firm but also uphold the principle of humanism, according to Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian.

“The President has ordered measures that are humanistic, respectful, civil, but also firm at the same time,” Tito said during a joint press statement on Evaluation of Implementation of Emergency Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM Darurat), Saturday (17/7).

According to the Minister, restrictions to public activity and mobility are enforced for the sake of people’s safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Restrictions limit you and reduce your freedom, but it has to be done for the sake of people’s safety. People’s safety is the priority,” he said, adding that law enforcers and Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) officers must always comply with code of ethics and principles of humanism in carrying out their tasks and not by using excessive force.

Tito expressed hope that excessive force taken by Satpol PP officer in enforcing public’s discipline during PPKM Darurat in the South Sulawesi town of Gowawill not happen again, adding that his Ministry has imposed a sanction to the officer in question.

In the meantime, to prevent such incidents from happening again Ministry of Home Affairs’ Directorate General for Regional Administration Development has held a meeting with heads of Satpol PP assigned in all regions throughout the country.

The Ministry has also held a regional heads meeting to provide guideline in implementing PPKM Darurat for law enforcers and Satpol PP officers.

“We will also issue a circular regarding the implementation of PPKM Darurat, including directives to the Satpol PP officers to take firm, humanistic, respectful measures and to regularly evaluate the implementation, to help people whose economy affected (by the pandemic) by distributing free face masks, staple food package, supplement or healthy foods, hand sanitizer, and the like,” he said. (RF/UN) (RAS/EP)

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