Minister of Manpower Threatens to Punish Companies that not Provides THR

Minister of Manpower Threatens to Punish Companies that not Provides THR
Minister of Manpower, Dhakiri Hanif stated that he would form immediately the Command Post (Posko) for Monitoring of Holiday Allowance (THR) in the regions to monitor the provision of THR. Minister Hanif threatening to penalize the companies that do not provides THR. “Do not let not being implemented according to the rules,” Hanif Dhakiri said.
“Later in the regions there are monitoring posko on the implementation of the provision of THR,” Hanif Dhakiri said after meeting President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Office in Jakarta, Thursday (4/6).
The command post (Posko) as well as a place to oversee the companies towards, Idul Fitri 1436 H.
Hanif Dhakiri asserts, in essence the regulation regarding THR is still based on the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower 2004.
“THR must be paid a week (before Eid). Regulation remains as it is, a week earlier to be paid, Hanif Dhakiri said.
But Hanif asks THR provision should be made two weeks before Idul Fitri 1436 H.
The appeal is circulated in order to help workers smoothly at the time of homecoming, so it has enough time and money to take care of the needs and plans for the homecoming.
Hanif stressed. THR amount is equal to one month’s salary. “If that works over three months, less than a year there is the formula.” He said. (Humas Setkab/ES)