Ministry Develops Social Welfare Information System to Update Poverty Data
Ministry of Social Affairs has been implementing various programs to alleviate poverty; yet the success in poverty alleviation must also be supported with an accurate and up-to-date data on poverty levels.
The statement was made by the Ministrys Head of Public Relations Division Sonny W. Manalu during a Thematic Forum of the Governmental Public Relations Coordination Board (Bakohumas) in Jakarta, Monday (22/7).
In order to obtain the up-to-date data, he added, the Ministry must verify and validate any data based on the programs regularly.
The programs are, among others, Aspiring Family Program (PKH), Collective Enterprise Group (Kube), Social Rehabilitation for People with Social and Community Problems (PMKS), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), Child Social Welfare Program (PKSA), Prosperous Family Savings Program (PSKS), Remote Customary Communities (KAT), and Social Welfare Information System.
The tasks and functions of the Ministry of Social Affairs in poverty alleviation have increased, for example to provide an accurate, integrated, and up-to-date data, Sonny said.
Therefore, he added, the Center for Data and Information of Social Welfare (Pusdatin Kesos) continues to develop an application called Social Welfare Information System Next Generation (SIKS-NG). The system can be accessed online by all social service agencies at provincial, regencies/cities levels in Indonesia, he stated.
The Ministry – supported by regional government – shall verify and validate the data based on the provisions of laws and regulations to collect an accurate, up-to-date, and integrated data, he added.
Report, data entry, or data changing will be input in stages from the level of the village/district, sub-district, regency/municipality, governor, to Minister of Social Affairs, Sonny said.
Therefore, the data on poverty which was verified and validated by the Minister will be stipulated as an integrated data that can be used for related ministries/institutions to alleviate poverty.
The SIKS-NG has several variables that are also contained in the Integrated Data Base form to collect more information about people living in poverty. Thus, the data will be integrated into all social assistance programs. (Hen/ES)
Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : M. Ersan Pamungkas