Ministry of Defense to Develop Modern Defense Industry

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 Agustus 2018
Category: News
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The Head of Public Communication Center of Ministry of Defense Brigadier General Totok Sugiarto, S.Sos delivers his remarks in an event at the A.H Nasution Building hall of Ministry of Defense, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/8). (Photo by: Rizky/Public Relations).

The Head of Public Communication Center of Ministry of Defense Brigadier General Totok Sugiarto, S.Sos delivers his remarks in an event at the A.H Nasution Building hall of Ministry of Defense, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/8). (Photo by: Rizky/Public Relations).

Ministry of Defense is committed to using the skills of the nation’s best sons and girls in developing domestic defense industry. This is intended to generate new ideas to creating superior products that can be used by the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) personnel.

This statement was enunciated by the Head of Public Communication Center of Ministry of Defense Brigadier General Totok Sugiarto, S.Sos, in his remarks during thematic forum of Public Relations Coordinating Board (Bakohumas) adopting a theme “Pengembangan Industri Pertahanan Dalam Negeri Untuk Mewujudkan Kemandirian Industri Pertahanan Yang Maju, Mandiri, dan Modern” (Development of Domestic Defense Industry to Materialize an Independent, Advanced and Modern Defense Industry), at the A.H Nasution Building hall of Ministry of Defense, 16th floor, Jalan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/8).

According to Totok, national defense is not only the responsibility of the Ministry and the TNI, but also all elements of the nations. He asserted that the Ministry is committed to improve the quality of the implementation of national defense in accordance with the Ministry’s work programs.

In the meantime, the Director General of Information and Public Communication of Ministry of Communications and Informatics Rosarita Niken Widiastuti, said in her remarks that we must be proud because this nation is able to develop its own defense equipments because Indonesia has a defense company, namely PT. Pindad.

Niken further said that PT. Pindad has been able to develop tanks, combat vehicles, and sophisticated weapons that are not only used domestically but also to be exported. “This good news needs to be disseminated to the community in order to promote the programs, products, and weapons made by PT. Pindad,” Niken said.

Also attending the event were the Managing Director of PT. Pindad Ir. Abraham Mose, M.M., Associate Analyst of the Directorate General of Potential Defense of Ministry of Defense Colonel Anang Setiawan, S.T., M.T., and 35 representatives from other ministries/institutions. (RSF/HEN/ES) (GWH/MMB/Naster)

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