Ministry of Finance Launches Tax, Customs and Excise Reform Teams

The Kick-off Meeting of Tax Reform Team & Customs and Excise Reform Team is led by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani and attended by Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, at the DJP headquarters, in Jakarta, Tuesday (20/12). (Photo: PR of MoF)
The Ministry of Finance established the Tax Reform Team and the Customs and Excise Strengthening Reform Team aimed to prepare and support the implementation of tax reform and strengthening customs and excise reform. Such reform comprises aspects of organization, human resources, infrastructure, budgeting, laws and regulations, database, business process, and the information technology.
The kick-off meeting and the launching of the reform teams was organized by the Directorate General of Taxation (DJP) and chaired by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati at the DJP headquarters, Jakarta, Tuesday (20/12) morning.
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati explained that the establishment of reform teams aims to improve tax compliance, boost public trust in the management of the data base/ tax administration, and to improve integrity and productivity of the tax officers. When it comes to customs and excise reform team, the team aims to improve the integrity and accountability of services and supervision of customs and excise.
“The purpose of the reform teams is to establish credible, trustworthy tax and customs and excise institutions, and be able to carry out tasks in accordance with the constitution and laws, that is, to collect state revenue, create business certainty, serve the public with professionalism, integrity and high efficiency,” the Minister said.
In addition, the Tax Reform Team is formed based on Decree of the Ministry of Finance No. 885/KMK.03/2016 on Establishment of Tax Reform Team. Meanwhile, the Customs and Excise Strengthening Reform Team is formed based on Decree of the Ministry of Finance No. 909/KMK.04/2016 on the Establishment of Strengthening Reform Team of customs and excise.
The teams comprise four teams, namely the Steering Committee, Advisory Team, Observer Team, and Executive Team.
Sri Mulyani explained that the Steering Committee she leads directly is in charge of providing guidance in establishing policy to prepare and implement reforms. While, the Advisory Team has the task to provide input in term of customs and excise reform based on theory and science. “Former Minister of Finance Chatib Basri joins the advisory team,” the Minister said.
Furthermore, the Observer Team has the task to secure and provide inputs in accordance with the background and experience in the field of controlling. The Obesever Team consists of academics, chairman of the association and, the leaders of the mass media. One of the members of the observer team is Director of Research and Training of Economics and Business (P2EB) of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Bambang Riyanto Lies Sugiyanto.
The Executive Team is in charge of coordinating the preparation of direction within the scope of aspects of the organization, human resources, infrastructure, budgeting, laws and regulations, database, business process, and information technology. (Bureau of Public Relations of the Ministry of Finance/ES) (MUR/YM/Naster)