Ministry of State Secretary Holds Ceremony to Commemorate Youth Pledge Day

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 Oktober 2024
Category: News
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Deputy for Economic Affairs Satya Bhakti Parikesit serves as the inspector of the ceremony to commemorate the 2024 Youth Pledge Day within the Presidential Institution, Monday (10/28). (Photo by: PR/Teguh)

Officials and staff of the Presidential Institution held a ceremony to commemorate the 2024 Youth Pledge Day, Monday (10/28), at Ministry of State Secretary Complex, Jakarta.

Deputy for Economic Affairs Satya Bhakti Parikesit served as the inspector of the ceremony.

This 96th Youth Pledge Day Commemoration Ceremony commenced with the singing of the national anthem Indonesia Raya, followed by the raising of the national flag, the reading of the state ideology Pancasila, and the reading of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

Afterward, the ceremony participants listened to the reading of the Declaration of the Indonesian Youth Congress of 1928, where various youth organizations, such as Jong Java, Jong Sumatra, Pemuda Indonesia, Sekar Rukun, Jong Islamieten Bond, Jong Batak Bond, Jong Celebes, Pemuda Kaum Betawi, and the Association of Indonesian Students, united in the spirit of nationality.

“Today, the Indonesian people are commemorating a significant moment in the country’s national history, namely the 1928 Youth Pledge. A moment in which the Indonesian youth expressed a strong determination and will to unite despite the challenges of diversity for the establishment of the state of Indonesia,” Satya Bhakti Parikesit read out a written message from Minister of Youth and Sports Ario Bimo Nandito Ariotedjo.

The Minister stated that the noble values inherited from the 1928 generation must be kept alive so as to strengthen the nation’s awareness and characteristics to cope with rapid changes, as well as to maintain the national existence in a sustainable manner.

“This Youth Month and the commemoration of the 2024 Youth Pledge Day coincide with the new administration’s transition period that will orchestrate the Indonesian nation’s steps to realize medium-term development targets as a foundation for achieving the 2045 long-term development targets. This includes the realization of a Golden Indonesia characterized by greater progress and prosperity, as well as a stronger Indonesian nation in the global sphere,” he said.

The Minister pointed out that this is the right time for the Indonesian people to pay more attention to youth development which is an integral part of national development, both as the subject and object of development.

For this reason, the Minister stated that it is timely to commemorate the 2024 Youth Pledge Day by adopting the theme “Maju Bersama Indonesia Raya” (advancing together for a great Indonesia). This theme conveys a message to enhance and progress various aspects of youth services to achieve a great, large, and prosperous Indonesia. He added that this effort must be carried out jointly, simultaneously, synchronously, and in a well-coordinated manner, both at the central and regional levels.

The Minister also emphasized the important role of regional governments in mobilizing youth services through sustainable policies and programs, as well as Regional Action Plans (RAD) oriented towards increasing the Youth Development Index (IPP), which are tailored to the conditions of each region.

“On this Youth Pledge Day, allow us to jointly take various measures to develop the potential of youth through activities that encourage the development of creativity and innovation of Indonesian youth in various ways,” he said. (FID/DNS) (FI/LW)

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