Ministry of Youth and Sports Will Study the Revocation of PSSI Suspension

By Humas     Date 25 Februari 2016
Category: News
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Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi with the Chairman of PSSI Ad Hoc Team Agum Gumelar, some time ago

After having a meeting with President Joko Widodo, Vice President Jusuf Kalla, and the Chairman of PSSI Ad Hoc Team Agum Gumelar, at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday (24/2) afternoon, Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi said that he will study all aspects that are needed to revoke a decree on the suspension of PSSI (Indonesian Football Association).

“The point is the Government does not want to continue the sanction and wants to have longer time to prepare the 2017 Sea Games in Malaysia and, moreover, Indonesia will be the host of the 2018 Asian Games,” the Minister said after meeting President Joko Widodo.

However, the Minister reminded PSSI to carry out a reform, to be accountable and transparent about their financial condition. In addition, the Government must be structurally involved in this organization. Therefore, the Minister thought that Extraordinary Congress of PSSI will be a solution and it should be held before the competition starts.

He firmly said that whatever the decision is, it is the best decision for the progress of Indonesia’s football.

As we all are aware, the Government, through Minister of Youth and Sports’ Decree Number 0137 of 2015 on Administrative Sanctions to Suspend the Acticity of PSSI effective since 17 April 2015.

President’s Instruction

A member of Presidential Communication Team, Sukardi Rinakit, in his press release on Wednesday (24/2) evening explained that the meeting between President Joko Widodo, Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Minister Imam Nahrawi, and Agum Gumelar discussed problem solving of Indonesia’s football.

“In that meeting, the President instructed Minister Imam Nahrawi to study the revocation of PSSI suspension,” Rinakit said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Ministry of Youth and Sports’ Public Communication Gatot S. Dewa Broto said that the meeting generated several results. First, the meeting run well and led directly by the President.

Second, Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Agum Gumelar explained their standing points which purposes are to carry out a reform and ensure the survival of PSSI in a number of international events.

Third, after a short discussion, approximately from 5 p.m. to 5.40 p.m. Western Indonesia Time, the President gave directions to the Minister to, in two days, study all aspects to revoke the decree.

Fourth, the Minister immediately promised to carry out the study and will give a report to the President.

Fifith, the Minister will study the issue from various aspects but still prioritize the essence of the reform, as well as the improvement of national football management.

Sixth, if it is decided to revoke the decree, the Government will certainly propose a number of conditions. One of the condition is, as can be seen at point seven, the Minister of Youth and Sports asks PSSI to hold the Extraordinary Congress in six months, not in one year as has been proposed by the Chairman of Ad Hoc Team.

Eighth, it is not about who wins or loses. The study is conducted to make Indonesia’s football better, particularly to face the 2017 Sea Games and 2018 Asian Games. (TKP/Humas Kemenpora/ES)(MMB/YM/Naster)

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