MPR Speaker: SBY Prays for the Success of the Inauguration of Jokowi – JK

By Humas     Date 17 Oktober 2014
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MPR Speaker: SBY Prays for the Success of the Inauguration of Jokowi – JK

The Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) Zulkifli Hasan revealed his meeting together with the other leaders of MPR RI, Leaders of House of Consultative (DPR RI), the Speaker of Regional Representatives Council (DPD RI), and also President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Vice President Boediono in the State Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday evening.

According to Zulkifli, in that meeting, the leaders delivered their gratitude for the leadership of President SBY for these ten years (2004-2014).

“We also delivered an invitation to Mr. SBY to attend the Inauguration of the Chosen President and Vice President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Jusuf Kalla (JK), in the Plenary Meeting of MPR RI on the upcoming Monday (October 20),” Zulkifli Hasan said it, accompanied by the Speaker of DPR-RI Setya Novanto and the Speaker of DPD-RI Irman Gusman after meeting President SBY, on Wednesday evening.

The Speaker of MPR-RI said that the Inauguration of the Chosen President and Vice President Jokowi-JK would be the democracy milestone in our country, in order to lower the political tension.

“President prays for the Inauguration of the Chosen President and Vice President to run sacredly and successfully,” Zulkifli Hasan uttered.

He mentioned that a number of state guests would attend the event, such as Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and USA.

DPR’S Apology

Meanwhile, the Speaker of DPR-RI Setya Novanto said that the DPR-RI thanks President SBY who has led this nation for ten years successfully.

Setya Novanto revealed some achievements on President SBY’s era; such as the rising state budget from the year of 2004 until 2014, the success and good institution, and also the harmony of the people.

“For these ten years, SBY has given good things for Indonesian people,” Setya Novato said.

The Speaker of DPR also delivered that in the meeting with President SBY, the Deputy Speaker of DPR-RI Fahri Hamzah apologized to President SBY for being critical in the DPR. “But it was only because of his duty as the member of DPR,” Setya Novanto quoted the statement of Fahri Hamzah.

As for the Speaker of DPD, Irman Gusman, he invited all people to burn the spirit of Red and White for the Great Indonesia. (Humas Setkab/ES)

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