Muara Baru Fish Market Starts its Operation

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 13 Maret 2019
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Muara Baru Modern Fish Market (PIM) in North Jakarta

Muara Baru Modern Fish Market (PIM) in North Jakarta

The Government has built Muara Baru Modern Fish Market (PIM) in North Jakarta to provide a one stop shopping center for fishery commodities. The clean, hygienic and modern fish market was inaugurated by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Wednesday (13/3).

Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, through the Directorate General for Marine and Fisheries Products Improvement, in 2018 launched a priority program for modern fish market development in Indonesia. The program is based on Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 7 of 2016 on Acceleration of National Fisheries Industry Development and Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 3 of 2017 on Action Plan for Accelerating National Fisheries Development.

The size of Muara Baru PIM is two hectares, built on a 4.15-hectare land, with a budget of Rp150.69 billion. The fish market was built with a design and built system by PT Pembangunan Perumahan as a developer and PT Fajar Nusa Consultans as a construction consultant.

Based on data from the Ocean Fisheries Port (PPS) Nizam Zachman, Muara Baru fish market provides 400 tons of fishery commodities every day, with an average value of Rp8-10 billion. The fishery commodities come from Lampung, Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java. Most of the commodities are marine fish, including rastrelliger, squid, mackerel tuna, snapper, and shrimp, as well as freshwater fish such as pangasius, pomfret, and Mozambique tilapia.

Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti said that Muara Baru fish market is expected to increase fish consumption of Jakarta residents and its surrounding areas, provide a comfortable, clean, and hygienic fish market, and provides high-quality, safe, sustainable, diverse, and affordable fishery commodities.

The fish modern market is also expected to develop fisheries business center and its supporting industries, provide a platform for promotion and education of marine and fisheries sector, as well as a tourist destination for the marine and fisheries sector.

The Muara Baru fish market is a three-story building and is equipped with 896 stalls, 155 marine kiosks, 8 food courts, 2 ice flake machine units with 10 tons capacity, retail marketing area, laboratories, chilling rooms with 30 tons capacity, loading dock, packing area, ice and salt depot, wastewater treatment plant, management room, bank, information room, meeting room, warehouse, guard post and mosque.

The Muara Baru fish market is managed by Perum Perikanan Indonesia (Perindo) in accordance with the Decree of Director General for Marine and Fisheries Products Improvement Number 130/KEP-DJPDSPKP/2018 on Assignment to Perum Perikanan Indonesia (Perindo) as ad interim Operational Manager of Muara Baru Modern Fish Market.

The modern fish market is also supported by several organizations, including the Association of Fishery Loading Dock Workers (TKBMI), Community Security Organization (Pamswakarsa), and parking workers’ organization (KOPARKIN). The inter-organizational collaboration is expected to support the fish market operation.

Minister Susi also said that trainings will be provided for all managers, technical workers, hygiene workers, security officers and fishery commodity sellers to meet the required standards.

As a form of protection and empowerment for business actors, each seller at Muara Baru fish market will be provided with a KUSUKA card (Marine and Fisheries Business Entity Card). The card is also used to improve services and boost effectiveness and efficiency of Government programs for business entities. From 397 fishery commodity sellers registered at Muara Baru fish market, 231 of them have got KUSUKA card.

All in All, Muara Baru modern fish market is expected to improve economic condition, improve productivity and value added of fishery commodities, and increase national fish consumption. (Biro Humas dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan/ES)

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Mia Medyana


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