New BNPB Head: Indonesia Can Be Haze-Free

By Humas     Date 8 September 2015
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New BNPB Head: Indonesia Can Be Haze-Free

Newly appointed Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Willem Rampangileyexpressed his confidence that Indonesia could be free from the haze; however, he could not ensure when it would be realized.

Speaking to the reporters after his inauguration, Willem said:  “As to how many years we can realize that, there are some parameters. If preventive actionsare done well, fire will not happen.”.

According to Willem, one of the preventive actions that the Government could do was to provide understanding to the people about the perils of fire and the huge impactsit brings, not only economic impacts but also health impacts.

“We all know that fire disaster is especially not good for the health of pregnant women and children under the age of five,” he noted.

Willem went on to say that the Government had been committed to solving the issue of forest fire and the instruction is clear from the Government. He also said that tackling fire has become the Government’s priority.

Moreover, he added,  the impacts of fire has alsoposed serious problems especially in health and economic problems and has also disruptedclasses; yet , he said, the Governmenthad also handled the issue.

“What should the Government do?” I will answer after the duty handover ceremony with the former BNPB head.

“Perhaps, we must take more preventive actions and make effective of emergency response. Give me time. After the handover, I will tell you actions to be done. I do not have the capacity to tell you the information right now,” William stated.

William cited several examples, such as before fire happens the Government couldimprove rewarning early detection or give dissemination about the danger of fire.

“The Government must involve the people more to prevent fire,” he noted.

He further said that the Government had improved cooperation with both national and international stakeholders and had issued the regulations and the laws.

“The regulation of disaster management number 24 of 2007 consists of other regulations,” Willem said regarding the smoke disaster mitigation.

For the record, Willem Rampangiley was inaugurated as BNPB Head in accordance with Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia number 92/P of 2015 date 4 September 2015.  Replacing Syamsul Maarif, Willemwas inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on Monday (7/9) at the State Palace, Jakarta. He was formerly one of deputies in the Coordinating Ministry for Human and Culture Development. (ES/Humas) (JS/EP/YM/Naster)/Sy.

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