New East Java Governor Reveals First 99-Day Program

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 14 Februari 2019
Category: News
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Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Elistianto Dardak answer reporters’ questions at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (13/2). (Photo by: Jay/Public Relations).

Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Elistianto Dardak answer reporters’ questions at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (13/2). (Photo by: Jay/Public Relations).

The newly-inaugurated East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said she has prepared programs during her first 99 days in office.

“(We will do) a response acceleration through a system called CETAR (stands for fast and responsive),” Khofifah said on Wednesday (13/2) after her inauguration as East Java Governor at the State Palace.

She added that the program will manage all permits related to Household Industrial Production (PIRT) permits, Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) permits, and halal certification permits.

For health services, Khofifah plans to expand the provincial-owned hospital from type C to Type B so that the residents of Madura Island can also get accelerated health services. In addition, out of the 21,700 Non-Permanent Teachers in East Java, there were 7,800 personnel borne by the Provincial Budget.

“God willing, everything will be covered this year,” she said, adding that it was the result of coordination with her predecessor.

Measures to accelerate the reduction of poverty are also one of her priorities, she said.

According to data from the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Alleviation (TNP2K), one of the causes of poverty is the burden of the elderly in poor families. Therefore, she added, the Provincial Government will step in to assist elderly in poor families over the age of 70 through the PKH (Family Hope Program) Plus.

“There will be 50,000 PKH Plus,” Khofifah said.

Furthermore, the Provincial Government will also launch a Non-APBD program involving volunteers and corporate CSR, as in the river clean-up program, namely the Brantas River adoption, she said.  “Synergy between all elements is important so that programs such as the Brantas River adoption can be successful altough they are not funded by the regional budget,” Khofifah added.

The new governor also said that she would also launch programs for modern Islamic boarding schools and the provincial government has identified many Islamic boarding schools with vocational schools. According to her, those schools have already created their own products but most of them unhygienic and have unattractive packaging. Therefore, she added, a special team will verify them because there are many parties want to support them.

“Partnership will play an important role because not all the programs can rely on the regional budget,” Khofifah said. (RSF/JAY/ES)



Translated by: Galuh Wicaksono
Edited by: Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas

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