New Traffic Restrictions on Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 Februari 2018
Category: News
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Macet-Cikampek-4-300x171To ensure security, safety, order, and ease traffic as well as to optimize the use of Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road during the construction of national strategic infrastructure project, the Government, in this case Ministry of Transportation, considers to manage traffic flows and to restrict freight and passenger vehicles.

Based on it, on 19 February 2018, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has signed a Regulation of Minister of Transportation Number PM 18 of 2018 on Traffic Flow Adjustment During the Construction of National Strategic Infrastructure Project on Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road. The Regulation states to support security, safety, order, and ease traffic and transportation during the construction of national strategic infrastructure project on Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, traffic flow adjustment are implemented by: a. restricting freight vehicles operational on Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road; and b. exercising odd-even license plate system for passenger vehicles.

National strategic infrastructure projects on J akarta-Cikampek Toll Road as mentioned in the Regulation article 1 paragraph (2) are included the construction project of: a. elevated Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road; b. Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train; and c. Light Rapid Transit (LRT). “The restriction for freight vehicles operational implies to three axis or more freight vehicles and applied from 06.00 am Western Indonesian Time, and starting from Cawang to West Karawang and West Karawang to Cawang,” as stated in the Regulation article 2 paragraph (2). The Regulation highlights that the operational restriction are not applied to oil and gas fuel freight vehicles.

West Bekasi

According to the Regulation, odd-even license plate system for passenger vehicles is exercised in priority ramp on, that is: a. West Bekasi 1 and 2; b. East Bekasi; c. Tambun; d. Pondok Gede ramp on; and e. Jatiwaringin. Passenger car flows adjustment as mentioned in the Regulation, that is: a. restriction for every odd plate passenger vehicles flowing through the  Toll Road on even dates; and b. restriction for every even plate passenger car flowing through the Toll Road on odd dates.

“The above mentioned odd-even plate system for passenger vehicles is implemented on Monday to Friday, starting at 06.00 – 09.00 am Western Indonesian Time, and do not take effect on Saturday, Sunday, and national holidays,” article 5 of the Regulation states.

Restriction of odd-even plate system for passenger cars does not apply for:

  1. chairpersons of Indonesian State Institutions’ vehicles, comprising: President and Vice President; 2. the Speakers of the People’s Consultative Assembly, the House of Representatives, and the Regional Representative Council; and 3. Heads of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, and Judicial Commission;
  2. foreign heads or higher officials and International Institutions’ vehicles;
  3. operational vehicles with operational plate;
  4. fire fighter vehicles
  5. ambulance;
  6. public transportations; or
  7. other vehicles for special purposes.

Other vehicles for special purposes as above mentioned are vehicles which are based on Indonesian National Police’s (Polri) officers consideration might across restricted area of odd-even plate system that is vehicles for transporting money within banks, such as: a. Indonesian Central Bank (BI); other bank’s vehicles; and vehicles to load ATM under Polri’s supervision.

Traffic flows during national strategic infrastructure project on Jakarta Cikampek Toll Road as above mentioned might be evaluated its operational time based on Polri’s judgment considering traffic flow condition on each toll road,” Article 10 this Regulation mentions.

As for sudden or situational traffic flow restriction, based on the Regulation, Polri might arrange and manage traffic using traffic signs, traffic signaling devices (APILL), and temporary control and secure devices for toll road users. “This Ministerial Regulation shall apply on the date of its promulgation,” Article 14 of the Regulation Number: PM 18 of 2018 stated, which has been promulgated by General Director of Law for the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Widodo Ekatjahjana on 19 February 2018. (JDIH Kemenhub/ES) (EPI/YM/Naster)

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