No Mercy Anymore, President Jokowi: Catch and Arrest the Dealers and Distributors of Drugs

By Humas     Date 26 Juni 2015
Category: News
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President Jokowi present awards to community figures who involved in the prevention and eradication of drugs, at the State Palace on Friday (26/6)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that drug crime this time could classified in exceptional and serious crime. By 2015 an estimated prevalence of drug users reached 4.1 million people (2.2 percent). Material losses estimated at approximately Rp 63 trillion, which includes losses due to drug expenditures, cost of treatment, the stolen goods, the cost of rehabilitation, etc.

“I contend that such a destructive force, there is no other choice for us to declare war on drugs,” the president said Jokowi, while giving a speech at the International Anti-Narcotics Day International, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday (26/6).

President emphasized that the war against drug-related crime requires the cooperation of all parties. Not only the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), but also all parties must intervene to help the fight against drug crimes.

In connection with the fight against drug crime, President Jokowi delivers three (3) steps to be taken. First, drug abuse prevention measures in a more intense, from the center to the regions, which are measurable and sustainable.

Second, increased the efforts of therapy and rehabilitation of drug addicts and abusers. Last year the rehabilitated of approximately 18 thousand users. This year 100 thousand. “Next year, I have already conveyed to the Head of BNN, approximately 200 thousand.

Even if it is ready, the next year we doubled again. Because we chase with an increase in drug users who continue to grow “, Jokowi said.

Third, the courage. Law enforcement. “Chase and arrest them. The fffective of law enforcement and combating of drugs abuse and trafficking really should we do seriously. Arrest and act decisively.

Dealers, distributors, and the big players, there is no mercy,” President Jokowi said.

The President also asked the law enforcement officers to improve and strengthen cooperation between institutions, do not get stuck on sectoral ego. The President instructed to expand the drugs intelligence cooperation with the international community

The President also asked the related ranks to increase surveillance in the sea, because we have thousands of large, small, or medium ports. “It should be supervised the coastal areas that often become a drug smuggling,” he said.

The last, President Jokowi ask the concerned officials in order to identify new modes in drug smuggling.

Factual Threats

Previously, Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Police Commissioner General, Anang Iskandari in the report said, an emergency drugs is a factual threat that still we look paltry.

This chronic problem was very evident from the amount of drug abuse in Indonesia, which reaches more than 4 million inhabitants. “The impact is already very worrying, namely the increasing crime, school dropouts, parents neglect their children, free sex, soul disturbed, ntil the deaths,” Anand said.

Attending the event, among others, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Puan Maharani, Coordinating Minister Maritime Indroyono Susilo, Minister of Education and Culture Anies Baswedan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi, Minister of Health Nila Moelok, Minister of Social Affairs Khofifah Indar Parawansa, TNI Commander General Moeldoko, Attorney General Prasetyo, and National Police Chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti.

The event with the theme “Let’s Develop Our Lives, Our Communities, Our Identities Without Drugs” also attended by a number of celebrities such as Kaka Slank, Bimbim, Roger Danuarta, and Samy Simorangkir.. (DND/RAH/ES)

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