Office of the President Carrying Out the Ceremony of “Kesaktian Pancasila” Day

Ceremony of Kesaktian Pancasila Day, held in Ministry of State Secretariat, Jakarta, Thursday (1/10).
The officials and employees within the Presidential Office, Jakarta, which comes from the Ministry of State Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security, Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture, Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, Council of National Security, Presidential Staff Office, Presidential Advisory Council, and National Disaster Management Agency, Thursday (1/10) morning at 07.45 am, carrying out the ceremony of Kesaktian Pancasila Day 2015.
In the ceremony that held at the field of ceremony of the State Secretariat Ministry, Jakarta, acts as Inspector of Ceremony is Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Sugihartatmo.
During the ceremony performed each other, reading of Pancasila text, reading the Script of Constitutional Preamble ’45, and reading of prayers, which took place solemnly. (DNK/ES)/Sy.