Open the 60th Asian-African Summit, President Jokowi Urging UN Reform as the World Body

President Jokowi gives a speech at the opening of the Asian-African Summit 60th, at the JCC, Jakarta, Wednesday (22/4) morning
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially opened of the 60th Asian-African Summit, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Wednesday (22/1) morning. A number of Heads of State/ Head of Government attended the opening of this, among others, the Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Prime Minister (PM) of Japan Shinzo Abe, Jordan’s King Abdullah, and Sultan of Brunei Hasanal Bolkiah.
In his opening remarks, President Jokowi called for rebuild a more equitable global order, by promoting the leadership of shared without any further domination of the big countries.
In order to realize a more equitable global order, the President urged the UN reform as a world body that promotes justice for all, especially in dealing with violence without a UN mandate.
“We are the peoples of Asia Africa, urged the UN reform in order to function optimally,” Jokowi said.
The Palestinian independence
On that occasion, the President Jokowi also offend about Palestinian independence. President reminded again the Bandung Spirit pledge, which is demanding independence for all nations in Asia and Africa, without exception for Palestine.
However, in fact, President Jokowi assess, the world and even the United Nations cannot do anything while the Palestinian are suffering because of colonization until now.
“The world is powerless see the Palestinian suffer due to colonization. We are cannot turn away from the suffering of the Palestinian people, “said President delivered his speech in Indonesian.
President Jokowi reminded that the countries in Asia and Africa must unite in struggling for the Palestinian. Therefore, the President invited the leaders in Asia and Africa to move.
Sebagai negara demokrasi terbesar, Indonesia siap memainkan peran global. Indonesia siap kerja sama dengan semua pihak, urai Jokowi yang disambut tepuk tangan.
“As the largest democracy, Indonesia is ready to play a global role. Indonesia is ready to work together with all parties,” Jokowi explained. (Humas Setkab/ES)