Organizer Provides Free Shuttle Bus for Journalists in 43rd ASEAN Summit

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 September 2023
Category: News
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The organizing committee of the 43rd ASEAN Summit provides free shuttle bus services to Media Center, Hall B, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta.

The facilities can be used by journalists covering the upcoming Summit held on 5-7 September.

“The mobility of the transportation mode is limited due to specific traffic engineering during the Summit. So, we provide mobile shuttle bus services on several routes to Media Center,” Ministry of Communications and Informatics’ General Director of Public Information and Communications, Usman Kansong said in Jakarta, Friday (09/01).

The shuttle bus services have four routes. Route 1, from Best Western Senayan Hotel to Century Hotel, Mulia Senayan Hotel, TVRI, Senayan Park (Spark), and Hall B JCC; route 2, from Best Western Senayan Hotel to Kemendikbud, Gate 7, The Sultan Hotel, and Hall B JCC; route 3, from Blue Line Kominfo, Istora Mandiri MRT Station to gate 9 of GBK.

Routes 1,2, and 3 are operated from 1 to 6 September 2023 from 05.00 to 21.30 Western Indonesia Time. Route 4, from Soekarno-Hatta Airports to Ritz Charlton Pacific Place, The Langham, Fairmort Hotel, Mulia Hotel, Best Western Senayan Hotel, is operated from 31 August to 6 September 2023 from 05.00 to 21.00 Western Indonesian Time.

On the other hand, Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta also provides 24 units of Transjakarta electric busses for delegates of the 43rd ASEAN Summit. The Eco-Friendly busses will be operated on 4 special routes during the meetings of state and government leaders with its strategical partnerships.

The four routes are: Route 1, namely Senayan Multipurpose Building – Istora Mandiri MRT Station – Sultan Hotel, operated from 07.00 to 22.00 Western Indonesian Time.

Route 2 comprises Senayan Multipurpose Building – Istora Mandiri MRT Station – Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, operated from 07.00 to 19. 00 Western Indonesian Time.

Route 3 comprises Sultan Hotel – Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, operated from 17.00 to 19.00 Western Indonesian Time.

Route 4 comprises Istora Mandiri MRT Station – Jakarta Convention Center Senayan, operated from 05.00 to 20.00 Western Indonesian Time.

For the record, the following 29 roads are affected by traffic engineering for the 43rd ASEAN Summit:

Jenderal Sudirman Street
2. MH Thamrin Street
3.  Gatot Subroto Street
4.  HR Rasuna Said Street
5.  Imam Bonjol Street
6.  HOS Cokroaminoto Street
7.  Galunggung Street
8.  RM Margono Djojohadikoesoemo Street
9.  KH Mas Mansyur Street
10. Karet Pasar Baru Timur V Street
11.  Karet Pasar Baru Timur II Street
12.  Karet Pasar Baru Timur III Street
13. Western Side of Prof Dr Satrio Street

14. Kebon Sirih Street
15. Wahid Hasyim Street
16.  Gerbang Pemuda Street
17.  Pintu Satu Senayan Street
18.  Asia Afrika Street
19.  Sisingamangaraja Street
20.  Pattimura Street
21.  Trunojoyo Street
22.  Gunawarman Street
23.  Majapahit Street
24.  Ir Juanda Street
25.  Veteran III Street
26.  Medan Merdeka Barat Street
27. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Street
28.  Lingkar SCBD Street
29.  Setia Budi Tengah Street


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