OSS System to be Implemented for Power Plant Licensing

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 Mei 2019
Category: News
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10_5_2019Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is set to implement an integrated licensing system for the construction of electric power plants through Online Single Submission (OSS) of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), which can be accessed at http://oss.go.id .

“There are 6 electricity licenses as well as 4 additional licenses for geothermal generator accessible through the OSS,” Head of the Ministry’s Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation Bureau Agung Pribadi said during a press conference, Friday (10/5).

The OSS is implemented in accordance with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s directive to speed up the licensing process.

Agung stated that the OSS licensing for the construction of power plants are Electricity Supply Business License (IUPTL) and Electricity Support Services License (IUJPTL), adding that the licensing is needed to improve safety aspect in the construction of electric power plants.

“The IUPTL and the IUJPTL can be immediately granted to developers through the OSS system after the developer makes a commitment to fulfill the requirements as stipulated in Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 39 of 2018 on Electronic Integrated Business Licensing Services in the Electricity Sector,” he explained.

Agung explained the 6 electricity business licenses that can be processed through OSS are: (1) Electricity Supply Business License; (2) Operating Permit; (3) Work Areas Determination; (4) Cross-country Electric Power Sale and Purchase License; (5) Electricity Support Services Business Licenses carried out by SoEs or Foreign Investment Company (PMA) or Company with majority of shares owned by Foreign Investment Company; and (6) Electric Power Networks Utilization Licenses for the Purposes of Telecommunications, Multimedia and Information from holders of licenses stipulated by the Central Government.

Meanwhile, there are 4 geothermal licenses that can be processed through OSS, including Assignments of Preliminary Geothermal Surveys, Geothermal License, Geothermal Support Services Business Approvals and Warehouses Utilization License for Geothermal Explosives.

He further said that in addition to licenses issued by Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, investors need more than 50 other licenses processed through the Central One-Stop Service (PTSP), Provincial PTSP, and Regency/City PTSP.

Furthermore, he added that to construct a power plant several other licenses also need to be issued by Ministries/Agencies, including the BKPM, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/the National Land Agency (BPN), Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Ministry of the Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Home Affairs/Regional Government and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

“By implementing OSS, it is expected that ministries/agencies can cut down the steps to obtain power plant construction license so investors can obtain the license more easily,” he said. (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources PR/ES)


Translated by : Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Edited by : Ridwan Ibadurrohman, M. Ersan Pamungkas

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