Participants of Gov’t Translators Training Program Visit Balai Kirti Presidential Museum

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 31 Maret 2019
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Participants of First Level Functional Translator Education and Training Class VIII of 2019 pose for a group photo in an excursion to the Balai Kirti Museum, Bogor, West Java, Saturday (30/3). (Photo by: Agung/ PR)

Participants of First Level Functional Translator Education and Training Class VIII of 2019 pose for a group photo in an excursion to the Balai Kirti Museum, Bogor, West Java, Saturday (30/3). (Photo by: Agung/ PR)

Participants of First Level Functional Translator Education and Training Class VIII of 2019 accompanied by officials of Assistant to the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents and Translation, Cabinet Secretariat visited the Balai Kirti Presidential Museum, in Bogor, West Java, Saturday (30/3).

On that occasion, the Head of Bali Kirti Presidential Museum for Collections Development and Maintenance, Hari Trisaptya Wahyu gave explanation on the museum’s history and collections.

The Museum was established in 2014 at the initiative of the sixth president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The name of ‘Balai Kirti’ derives from word ‘Balai’ which means room or building, and ‘Kirti’ which means glory.

“Thus, the Museum was named ‘Balai Kirti’ since we want to showcase the glory and achievements of our presidents,” Hari said.

Balai Kirti Presidential Museum is a museum which specifically displays the history and achievements of the presidents and/or vice presidents during their tenures (Government Regulation Number 66 of 2015 on Museum).

Collections of this museum are stored at the Galeri Kebangsaan (the National Gallery), located in the first floor. At the National Gallery, you will find the text of Indonesian independence proclamation, the map of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the text of the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila, Audio Visual Room that displays the biographies of each president, and the Hall of Statues of the Presidents.

“The Hall of Statues of the Presidents is the icon of this museum,” Hari added.

The second floor of Balai Kirti presents Galeri Kepresidenan (the Presidential Gallery) consisted of achievements of each president and various presidential memorabilia. “These are the attractions of the Museum where achievement of presidents from President Soekarno to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono are displayed,” He explained.

There is also a presidential library which has wide range of books which were read by the presidents and also the president’s reading room.

According to Hari, the Balai Kirti Presidential Museum has accomodated 188 collections which is expected to continue to grow as the number of president increases.

Regarding the visit, Hari asserted that currently the Museum has to limit the number of visitors since it is located inside Presidential compound. The visitors must go through security door and they must observe certain dress code in order to enter the Museum, he added.

Even though visits are limited every year, the number always increases to more than 1000 visits. The visitors are ranged from early childhood education school (PAUD) to university students.

“This visit has a positive effect on the broader community, especially in Bogor, because after visiting the museum, the visitors will go around Bogor,” Hari said, adding that the number of visits from students and university students is expected can serve as a character education (Mental Revolution) for them.

For the record, the Balai Kirti Presidential Museum is developed by four government institutions: the building was constructed by Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, while the land and building as state assets are owned by Ministry of State Secretary, the contents are managed by Ministry of Education and Culture, and the  marketing is managed by Ministry of Tourism. (HIM/AGG/ES)



Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Mia Medyana

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