Participants of Govt Translators Training Program Visit National Library

Participants of First Level Functional Translator Education and Training Class VIII of 2019 pose for a group photo in an excursion to the National Library, Jakarta, Friday (22/3). (Photo by: Jay/ PR)
Assistant to the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents and Translation, Office of the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support on behalf of the Cabinet Secretariat organized an excursion with participants of First Level Functional Translator Education and Training Class VIII of 2019 to the National Library, Jakarta, Friday (22/3).
Assistant to the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents and Translation Eko Harnowo in his remarks asserted that translators hold important position as a communication bridge with work partners. If regional governments including regencies, cities, or provinces have sister-city relationships with neighboring countries, the government translators at the respective regions can serve as intepreters in that cooperation.
Eko went on to say that translators can also translate regional regulations or information regarding investment from Indonesian to English.
The translated information can be published through leaflet or website to make information dissemination more effective, Eko said.
For the record, the education and training program is one of 18 responsibilities mandated to the Cabinet Secretariat, as the fostering institution for Indonesian Functional Translator Officers, besides organizing training, monitoring and evaluation, and dissemination. The program is participated by 22 government translators from central and regional governments, among others from the Attorney General, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the National Archives, the Supreme Court, Regional Office of Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Central Java, Language Center at Riau Province, Language Center at West Java Province, Language Center at Jambi Province, Riau Provincial Government, West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government, and West Bangka Regency. (AIT/EN)
Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Mia Medyana