Participation of 11 Political Parties in Several Regencies/Cities, Provinces Annulled in Elections

Commissioners of the General Election Commission (KPU) reveal the results of Initial Report of Campaign Funds (LADK), at the KPU Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday (21/3). (Photo by: General Election Commission (KPU)s PR)
The General Elections Commission (KPU) has annulled the participation of 11 political parties in the 2019 General Elections in several provinces, regencies/cities since they failed to submit the Initial Report of Campaign Funds (LADK) as intended.
The obligations for all participants in the elections to submit the LADK and the deadline are regulated in Article 334 paragraph (2) of Law Number 7 of 2017. Meanwhile, sanctions following the provisions are regulated in Article 338 paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 2017, and Article 71 paragraph (2) of KPU Regulation Number 24 of 2018.
Based on reports from the KPU at regional levels, the Commission has recorded that the cases of political parties not reporting their LADK occur at provincial and regency / city levels.
As many as 11 political parties do not submit their LADK, one of which is Garuda Party in North Kalimantan Province, Chairman of KPU Arief Budiman said in a press conference at the KPU Media Center, Jakarta, Thursday (21/3).
In the meantime, member of KPU Hasyim Asyara added that besides not submitting LADK in North Kalimantan Province, the Garuda Party also did not hand over LADK in 110 regencies and 20 cities, spread across 26 provinces.
The other 10 parties that failed to submit LADK at regency/city levels are, among others: the National Awakening Party (PKB) in 6 regencies, 3 cities, and 6 provinces, the Working Party (Partai Berkarya) in 27 regencies, 1 city, and 11 provinces, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in 8 regencies, 1 city, and 6 provinces, the United Indonesia Party (Perindo) in 2 regencies, 2 cities, and 4 provinces, the United Development Party (PPP) in 19 regencies, 1 city, and 9 provinces, the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) in 43 regencies, 6 cities, and 19 provinces, the National Mandate Party (PAN) in 5 regencies, 2 cities, and 2 provinces, Hanura Party in 7 regencies, 1 city, and 6 provinces, the Crescent Star Party (PBB) in 57 regencies, 1 city, 18 provinces, and the Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKPI) in 90 regencies, 16 cities, and 24 provinces.
On the other hand, 5 political parties which have submitted their LADK be it at central government, provincial or regency/city levels are, among others: the Gerindra Party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the Golkar Party, the NasDem Party, and the Democratic Party.
Hasyim went on to say that parties which have not submitted LADK comprises three categories: a. party that has a board and proposes candidates for members of the House of Representatives (DPR); b. party that has a board but not proposing candidates for members of the DPR; and c. party that has no board and not proposing candidates for members of the DPR.
Based on Article 338 paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 2017, participation of political parties in the elections will be annulled if the parties could not submit their LADK by the deadline.
Thus, this is an administrative santion since the parties do not comply with the administrative requirement, namely submitting the LADK, Hasyim added.
The sanction only takes form of revoking the participation of political parties in the elections in their respective regions, but not revoking the management of the parties. The KPU does not have authority to revoke the management of policital parties, Hasyim firmly said.
He asserted that votes for political parties and candidates for members of the DPR in which their participation in the elections at provincial and regency/city levels were annulled, will still be counted as valid votes in the election day, but it will later be declared null and void.
Further information regarding that matter will be disseminated to all KPU officers at provincial and regency/city levels immediately to prevent any mistakes. The information will also be disseminated to the Elections Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) and the related political parties, Hasyim concluded. (KPUs PR/ES)
Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Muhardi/ Mia Medyana Bonaedy