Patimban Seaport to be Mostly Used to Export Automotive Products

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 Mei 2018
Category: News
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Minister of Transportation as well as Minister of Public Works and Public Housing attend a Site Visit to Patimban Seaport Development Project, on Sunday (20/5), in Indramayu, West Java (Photo: Transportation Ministry/PR)

Minister of Transportation as well as Minister of Public Works and Public Housing attend a Site Visit to Patimban Seaport Development Project, on Sunday (20/5), in Indramayu, West Java (Photo: Transportation Ministry/PR)

Patimban Seaport, which is planned to be built in Subang Regency, West Java, is aimed at shipping automotive and industrial products from Karawang Industrial Estate.

The statement was enunciated by Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi during a Site Visit to Patimban Seaport Development Project, on Sunday (20/5), in Indramayu, West Java.

“Patimban Seaport will play strategic roles particularly at the first phase of export of national automotive products. As you are probably aware, Patimban is located at the eastern part of Karawang, so products from Karawang Industrial Estate should not be headed to Tanjung Priok anymore but to Parimban Seaport,” Budi said.

The development of this seaport also aimed to make export cost more efficient and to reduce traffic congestion in Jakarta.

“The Government expresses that hope given transporting goods from Java and Cibitung to Tanjung Priok Seaport really takes time and causes traffic congestion in Jakarta,” Budi said.

To date, the development of Patimban Seaport is at a stage of selecting the contractor, and soon after, the construction will begin. There will be three stages in the development. The first one will begin in 2019, the second one in 2023, and the last one in 2027. Once it is completed by 2027, the seaport will have a container capacity of 7.5 million TEUs, the same capacity as Tanjung Priok Seaport now.

To finance the construction of the seaport, which also one of National Strategic Projects, the Goverment is in cooperation with the Government of Japan . With this cooperation, the Minister of Transportation hopes diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Japan which has been established since 60 years ago will not only enhance the friendship, but also economic relations between the two countries.

“The Government of Japan provides soft loan with a 40-year maturity period. This is a strategic cooperation as marking the 60th anniversary of Indonesia-Japan Diplomatic Relations. We hope this cooperation will not only enhance our friendship, but also economic relations,” the Minister added.

In the event, Minister of Transportation was accompanied by Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia Masafumi Ishii, a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpress) Sidarto Danusubroto, a member of the House of Representatives (DPR)‘s Commission V Yoseph Umarhadi, and Director General of Sea Transportation Agus H. Purnomo. (Public Information and Communication Bureau /ES) (RAS/MMB/Naster)

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