Peter Gontha as the Indonesian Ambassador for Poland and Faizasyah for Canada

By Humas     Date 17 Oktober 2014
Category: News
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Baru Dubes

President SBY greets the new Ambassadors on Wednesday (15/10)

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) accompanied by the First Lady Hj. Ani Yudhoyono, Vice President Boediono and wife, Madame Herawati Boediono, on Wednesday (15/10) evening, at Istana Negara, takes the oath of 22 new Ambassadors who will represent Indonesia to neighboring countries.

Among the new Ambassadors, there were new names such as Director of the Protection Agency of Indonesian Citizen and Indonesian Legal Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tatang Budie Utama Razak, former Chief of Indonesian Police Hendrasto, former Deputy of Minister of Foreign Affairs Wardana, a Politician from GOLKAR Aulia Rahman, Special Staff of President for International Affairs Teuku Faizasyah, and a Businessman Peter F. Gontha.

The 22 new Ambassadors sworn based on Presidential Decree number 95 of 2014 are :

1.    Tatang Budie Utama Razak, Kuwait;

2.    Bambang Hendrasto, North Korea;

3.    Toto Riyanto, Brazil;

4.    Dominicus Supratikto, Suriname including Guyana;

5.    Imam Santoso, Ethiopia including Djibouti and United Africa

6.    Wardana, Turkey

7.    Jonny Sinaga, Argentina including Paraguay and Uruguay

8.    Endang Dwi Syarief Syamsuri, Morocco including Mauritania

9.    Hotmangaradja Pandjaitan, France including Andorra, Monaco, dan UNESCO

10. Wening Esthyprobo Fatandari, Hungary

11. Philemon Arobaya, Chile

12. Harry Richard James Kandou, Serbia including Montenegro

13. Yusra Khan, Mexico including Belize, Elsavador, Guetamala, Honduras

14. Mohamad Oemar, Belgium including Luxembourg, Europe Union, World Customs  Organization, and other Organizations in Brussels

15. Ronald Josef Pariaman Manik, Papua New Guinea including Solomon Island

16. Joko Harjanto, Syria

17. Aulia Aman Rachman, Czech

18. Teuku Faizasya, Canada and International Civil Aviation Organization

19. Anak Agung Gde Alit Santhika, Uzbekistan including Krygyztan

20. Stephanus Yuwono, Zimbabwe including Zambia

21. Harry Purwanto, Nigeria including Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, Cameroon, Congo, Liberia, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, Togo, and Economic Community of West African States

22. Peter Frans Gontha, Poland.

Also appears on the event, Deputy of the House Representatives Fadli Zon and Agus Hermanto, Head of Supreme Court M. Hatta Ali, Head of KPU Husni Kamil Manik, Coordinating Minister for Politics and Law and Security Djoko Suyanto, Coordinating Minister for Economy Chairul Tanjung, Coordinating Minister for People Welfare Agung Laksono, Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa, Cabinet Secretariate Dipo Alam, Minister of Industry MS Hidayat, Minister of Public Works Djoko Kirmanto, and Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi. (Humas Setkab/ES)(Ifp)

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