Political and Security Situation Improved, the President Optimistic in Facing Global Economy Weakening

Atmosphere of the meeting between the President Jokowi with the rectors, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (10/9) afternoon
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), accompanied by Minister of State Secretary, Pratikno, Chief of Staff of the President, Teten Masduki, and Special Staff of President met with the rectors of the various parts of Indonesia joined in Foruk Rector, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (10/9) afternoon.
On that occasion, President Jokowi conveys optimism that Indonesia will be able to face the global a weakening economy, because, although affected by the global a weakening economy, the security and political situation in Indonesia is more conducive.
Importantly, the president said, is needed poise, always optimistic, and hard work in facing of all challenges. “This message should be up to business people and all the people of Indonesia,” the President’s message.
“The government has also accelerated the realization of infrastructure projects such as dams, irrigation canals, power plants, toll roads, and ports,” President Jokowi said.
While regarding the budget absorption, according to the President Jokowi, cause of the low budget absorption one of them is due to budget users to be very careful, as a result of worry criminalized. In addition, the low budget absorption as well because there are many rules that overlap.
Therefore, President Jokowi, stressed the importance of deregulation rules that hamper the process of accelerating the pace of the national economy.
The input of the Rector
Meanwhile, the rectors member of the Forum Rector, on the occasion also gave some advice to President Jokowi.
First, about the need for regulation in the rules governing of the college, so that the Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education is expected to play a facilitative role. The deregulation is important to ensure legal certainty, coherence, and consistency of regulation.
Secondly, it needed the incentives for the industry that uses the results of university research. These incentives could be used for the development of research in the university.
Third, the existence of policy that supports research downstream, including the concern of the government in supporting downstream results of university research, and incentives for industry to collaborate with universities.
Lastly, the rectors also expressed the hope that there is an addition of assistance for students who cannot afford, as well as the Operational Assistance State University (BOPTN).
President Jokowi responds positively to all the proposals of the rectors. Besides delivering the commitment to provide assistance to students cannot afford, President Jokowi also asked the rectors to continue to provide input both directly and through the Minister of State Secretary. (ES)