Port of Tanjung Priok to Operate 24/7

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 8 Juli 2019
Category: News
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Pelabuhan-EksporIn a bid to boost export through Port of Tanjung Priok in North Jakarta, the Government has decided to add its operational days from four to five days a week into every day.

“The port authority, harbormasters, the customs office, the immigration office, port operators, banks, and other facilities will provide optimal service for 24 hours and 7 days a week,” Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said on Sunday (7/7).

According to Budi, if the port operates only three days, exporters who want to send 14 containers of goods must dispatch five truck containers in a day. However, if the port operates for 7 days, exporters only have to dispatch one container truck per day; thus, reducing congestion access from and to the port.

“If the traffic is smooth, there will be more exports,” he added.

The Minister added there are still many container trucks which, after transporting importing goods, return the without any cargo. Therefore, he added he would ask cargo owners or shipping line companies to ensure that no trucks are empty.

Budi further said that one system is needed to regulate the port’s operation. Therefore, he added, the Ministry plans to improve coordination between the the Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) and the Inaportnet (online port system made by the Ministry) with other port stakeholders to discuss the system integration.

Budi went on to say that his Ministry will also invite state-owned banks including BNI, BRI and Bank Mandiri to also operate at the port during weekends. “Now, Saturdays and Sundays are quiet, but it will be lively later on,” he said.

Port of Tanjung Priok is the busiest and most advanced seaport in Indonesia, handling more than 50% of the country’s trans-shipment cargo traffic. (Humas Kemenhub/ES)



Translated by: Galuh Wicaksono
Edited by: Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas

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