PR Division to Guard Implementation of Democratic Values in Pancasila

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 18 Desember 2018
Category: News
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Secretary General of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Ma’ruf Cahyono delivers his remarks at a Thematic Forum of the Governmental Public Relations Coordination Board (Bakohumas), at the MPR Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (18/12). (Photo by: Heni/ PR Division)

Secretary General of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Ma’ruf Cahyono delivers his remarks at a Thematic Forum of the Governmental Public Relations Coordination Board (Bakohumas), at the MPR Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (18/12). (Photo by: Heni/ PR Division)

Public relations apparatus at ministries/institutions joined in the Governmental Public Relations Coordination Board (Bakohumas) must guard the implementation of democracy values contained in Pancasila ideology (the Five Principles, the Indonesian State ideology), according to Secretary General of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Ma’ruf Cahyono.

“It is our task to guard it because public relations play vital role in bridging the interests of the state and society,” Ma’ruf said during his remarks at a Thematic Forum of the Governmental Public Relations Coordination Board (Bakohumas), at the Nusantara Plaza V of the MPR complex, Jakarta, on Tuesday (18/12).

According to the Secretary General, the MPR has tasks to revive, maintain, foster, internalize, and actualize musyawarah or deliberation because it is our ideology.

“In order to face the upcoming political year, we need that kind of democracy,” Ma’ruf added.

He asserted that many efforts have been made by the MPR and other institutions to internalize Pancasila values, among others by, the Agency for the Implementation of the State Ideology of Pancasila (BPIP), ministries/institutions, and Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture.

In general, Bakohumas share similar tasks with the MPR, but MPR’s task is mandated by the law. Therefore, people’s mandate must be manifested by the MPR since it will be reported in the Annual Report.

Thus, Bakohumas, and stakeholders of other public relations division must be included in that efforts, regardless the progress of the development and the efforts that have been made.

Regarding the 2019 political year, Ma’ruf Cahyono admitted that he prefers 2019 to be called as a year of democratic fiesta because political year can be interpreted as a negative thing, and is associated with ‘political war’ for group’s interest.

On the other hand, democtratic or political education that takes politics as a bridge to connect all layers of society, Ma’ruf believes, will bring positive impacts.

Public Relations must be able to take the opportunity to turn the 2019 democratic year into a momentum for all in demonstrating their contributions as citizens, Ma’ruf added.

Also attending the event were Expert Staff to the Minister for Communication and Informatics, who is also a speaker of the event, Gun Gun Siswadi, and Head of Public Relations Division of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Siti Fauziah. (RA/HEN/ES)




Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Yuyu Mulyani

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