Pramono Agung Supports Sport and Music Communities at Cabinet Secretariat

Cabinet Secretary and spouse, Hani Pramono, receive jerseys from Manjaa United and Manjaa Girls teams before the final match of Cabinet Secretariat Futsal Tournament 2023, at Gelora Bing Karno Basket Hall, Jakarta, Saturday (08/12). (Photo by: Public Relations of Secretariat Cabinet/Jay)
Cabinet Secretary Promono Agung Saturday (08/12) expressed that he fully welcomed and supported the establishment of sports and music communities at Cabinet Secretariat after watching the final match of Cabinet Secretariat Futsal Tournament 2023 at Basket Hall, Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex, Jakarta.
“The [communities] can be in the forms of volley ball, tennis ball, bike racing, badminton, anything; and I will support all of it,” Cabinet Secretary said.
Moreover, Pramono also appreciated the organizer of futsal tournament which was participated by all o deputies to Cabinet Secretary. This event is not only recognized as an occasion to maintain a healthy lifestyle but also to strengthen friendship of all employees at Cabinet Secretariat as one big family after performing their duties to assist the president and vice president to run a government.
Cabinet Secretary also expressed hope that similar event can be held by other communities, including music and band communities which he considered as the office’s potential.
“Beside working, we also must be happy. One of our efforts to make all employees happy is through sports. Sports not only make our body healthy but also our mind and heart,” Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support Thanon Aria Dewangga as advisor of futsal community in Cabinet Secretariat said.
Thanon expressed belief that the existence of any community in Cabinet Secretariat can also improve performance of the employees.
Regarding the organizing of Cabinet Secretariat Futsal Tournament 2023 that was held during the routine of Cabinet Secretariat in carrying out their duties and functions, Thanon stated that there were no meaningful obstacles.
The tournament has been organized since May 2023, and was conducted smoothly thanks to support from all parties, Thanon added.
Thanon also wished that similar event can continue to be held in the future. (FID/UN) (SS/RAS)