President Instructs BNPB to Propose Budget on Post-Quake Lombok Reconstruction

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 26 Agustus 2018
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President Joko Widodo has a dialogue with quake-affected residents.

President Joko Widodo has a dialogue with quake-affected residents.

Besides giving instructions to 19 ministers of the Working Cabinet, through Presidential Instruction Number 5 of 2018 on Acceleration of Post-Quake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in West Lombok, North Lombok, Central Lombok, East Lombok, Mataram and affected areas in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province  (link: Presidential Instruction Number 5 of 2018), which was signed on 23 August 2018, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo also gives instructions to a number related officials, among others the Head of National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and Regents/Mayors of the affected areas.

On the Instruction, the President instructed the Head of BNPB to coordinate with ministries/institutions, provincial and regency/municipality governments,  the Indonesian National Defence Forces(TNI)/Indonesian National Police (Polri), local universities, and other stakeholders in planning and carrying out post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction.

The Head of BNPB also instructed to propose a budget allocation to Minister of Finance on post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction funds, including assistance for housing construction that will be self-managed by the residents.

“Category: 1. Rp50,000,000.00 for severely damaged houses; 2. Rp25,000,000.00 for moderately damaged houses; and Rp10,000,000.00 for lightly damaged houses,” Third dictum point 23b of the Instruction reads.

Furthermore, the President also instructed the BNPB to coordinate the participation of business community, non-governmental organizations and the community involving in funding and implementation of post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction in accordance with the plan for post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction.

“To report to the President once a month on the results of the implementation of the Presidential Instruction based on reports from each ministry/institution and provincial as well as regency/municipality governments,” third dictum point 23e of the Instruction reads.

Particularly to the Head of the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the President instructed to carry out accountability assistance for financial management on the implementation of post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction.

The President instructed the Head of the National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP) to carry out accountability assistance in the implementation of procurement of goods and services on the implementation of post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction.

In the meantime, the Governor of NTB also received instruction from President Jokowi to foster and supervise regency/municipality governments as well as permitting process needed to carry out post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction.

In addition, the Governor of NTB must do data verification and validation of damaged houses and public facilities, and propose plans on post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction to BNPB.

The President also instructed the Governor to include the budget for post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction in the Regional Budget (APBD).

In addition to that, the Governor must provide land for post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction and coordinate with related ministries/institutions as well as supervise and report the progress to the Central Government through the Head of BNPB.

As for the Regents of West Lombok, North Lombok, Central Lombok, East Lombok, Mayor of Mataram, and all Regents/Mayors of affected areas, the President instructed them to be responsible for ensuring the smooth implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction activities.

They have been instructed to collect data on damaged houses as well as public facilities and propose plans for post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction to the provincial government and/or to the BNPB through the provincial government.

The Regents/Mayors are also instructed to allocate funds in their Regency/Municipality Budget and carry out activities in accordance with the determined plan, to provide land for post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction and to coordinate with related ministries/institutions, and to receive assets as the result from post-quake rehabilitation and reconstruction funded by the State Budget in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

During the rehabilitation and reconstruction period, the President instructed the provincial and regency/municipality governments to continue to carry out community services collaborating with the BNPB.

The President instructed the officials mentioned above to execute this Presidential Instruction with full responsibility.

“This Presidential Instruction shall apply as of the date of its promulgation,” reads the sixth dictum of Presidential Instruction Number 5 of 2018 issued in Jakarta on 23 August 2018. (Pusdatin/ES) (GWH/MMB/Naster)

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