President Jokowi Calls on All Indonesians to Foster Harmony, Brotherhood

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 September 2018
Category: News
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President Jokowi in a silaturahmi (amicable gathering) with ulema (Islamic scholars) and santri (students) of Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School, in Mojokerto, East Java, Thursday (6/9). (Photo: BPMI)

President Jokowi in a silaturahmi (amicable gathering) with ulema (Islamic scholars) and santri (students) of Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School, in Mojokerto, East Java, Thursday (6/9). (Photo: BPMI)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo once again invited all Indonesians to foster and maintain harmony amid our differences. Indonesia’s identity, the President added, is its diversity in culture, custom, and language.

“We must realize that we are living in a multicultural society, diverse in ethnicity, religion, tradition, and custom. Do not forget it,” President Jokowi said in a silaturahmi (an amicable gathering) with ulema (Islamic scholars) and santri (students) of Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School, in Mojokerto, East Java, Thursday (6/9).

The Head of State also stated that Indonesia has diversity and plurality that any other countries in the world do not have. In total population of 263 million people, Indonesia is blessed by the God with 714 ethnicities, and more than 1,100 different local languages spreading throughout 17,000 islands.

“We are blessed by the God with differences. Differences in ethnicity, religion, tradition, custom, language, and so on. This is a blessing from God to us, the people of Indonesia,” he said.

Furthermore, the President called on santri and ulema to play more role in promoting husnul tafahum (positive thinking) to the society.

“We should avoid being suspicious, having prejudice, particularly during the elections of regent, mayor, governor, and president. We must not do that to our brothers and sisters, not to mention among fellow Muslims. Mantaining ukhuwah Islamiyah (brotherhood among Muslims) and ukhuwah wathoniyah (brotherhood among fellow countrymen) is a must,” the President added.

Also on that occasion, President Jokowi asked all sides to remain optimistic in every situation.

He later mentioned achievement of Indonesian athletes during the 2018 Asian Games that exceed the expectation. It was not possible if we were pessimistic.

“Thus, we know that being optimistic can make us a great nation. What is our rank in the Asian Games 2018? Fourth! From the previous 17th,” the President fimly said.

To conclude his remarks, President Jokowi also give quizzes with bicycle as the present. First, the President asked the audience to mention seven sports branches at the 2018 Asian Games which is answered by Abdi.

“Football, Sepak Takraw (a sport of Southeast Asia in which a small rattan ball is kicked back and forth over a net), badminton, diving, swimming, pencak silat (the indigenous martial art of Indonesia), table tennis,” Abdi said.

After Abdi, Sukma Wahyu also get the chance to answer a quiz from the President. He can answer precisely the number of gold medals that the Indonesian contingent received at the 2018 Asian Games.

“Thirty one gold medals,” Sukma answered.

For the last question, President Jokowi asked the audience to mention seven provinces in Indonesia that was answered by Jota, a teacher of Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School.

“Aceh, West Java, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Cental Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, West Papua,” Jota said.

Also accompanying President Jokowi in the event were Leader of Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School Asep Saefudin Chalim, Minister of Religious Affairs Hakim Saifuddin, Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, Governor of East Java Soekarwo, and Chairwoman of Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Khofifah Indar Parawansa. (BPMI/EN) (RAS/YM/Naster)

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