President Joko Widodo Encourages the People to Use Their Voting Rights in Pilkada

President Joko Widodo delivered a press statement on Simultaneous Regional Elections (Pilkada), at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Monday (7/12) afternoon
President Joko Widodo encouraged Indonesian people in 269 regions to actively participate in using their voting rights at the Simultaneous Regional Elections (Pilkada), that will be held on Wednesday (9/12).
Dont forget to go to the Polling Station (TPS). Dont forget to choose Indonesian leaders who are chosen by all of you, the citizens, the President asked in his press statement at Merdeka Palace, on Monday (7/12) evening.
According to the President, this elections is Indonesias first experience. Therefore, the President instructed the Minister of Home Affairs and Indonesia National Police Chief to ensure the organization and security of the elections would run well.
I encourage all people to maintain order and good atmosphere of the elections. This is political excitement. Lets brighten up, the President said.
Regarding the result of the elections, the President has an advise. The parties that win the elections should not be arrogant, and those who lose should not be dissapointed and should not make a riot.
If there are differences of opinion on the elections result, I hope it can be solved democratically and in a peaceful manner based on the Law, President Joko Widodo said. (MMB/YM/Naster)