President Joko Widodo Immediately Visits Blast Site in Sarinah

By Humas     Date 14 Januari 2016
Category: News
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3 Tinjau lokasi TKP_Cahyo_Setpres

President Joko Widodo when visiting the blast site at Sarinah area, Jakarta, on Thursday (14/1) afternoon

President Joko Widodo who shortened his visit to Cirebon, West Java, visited immediately the blast site at Sarinah area, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (14/1) afternoon. Accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Luhut B. Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Commander of Indonesian National Defence Forces Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo, Chief of Indonesian National Police Badrodin Haiti, and Governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.The President, while walking, listened to the explanation of Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Tito Karnavian about the chronology of the suicide bomb in Sarinah, Jakarta.

After visiting several sites of the suicide bomb and attack, the President returned to the Presidential Office to lead a limited meeting discussing this problem.

Previously, in his statement to the journalists in Cirebon, West Java, on Thursday (14/1) afternoon, President Joko Widodo expressed his profound condolence for the victims. “The Government will pay for the medical cost of the victims,” the President affirmed.

16 Victims

Meanwhile, Deputy Police Chief Commissioner Gen. Budi Gunawan said that the total of victims of the blast in Jalan M. H. Thamrin Area, Central Jakarta, was 16.

 “From identification, the total of the victims is 16 people,” Budi Gunawan said when visiting the location.

Four terrorists were among the deaths, according to him, whereas there were seven civilians became the victims. Two of them died.

Meanwhile, five police officers were seriously injured. They were the officers who were assigned in Sarinah police post and the officers who shot the terrorists.

Budi explained that the attack was started with grenades blast near Starbucks at Skyline building. After that, two people attacked a police post located in the intersectionof Jalan M. H. Thamrin and committed a suicide bomb attack. They were killed at the post.

The officers from Metro Jaya Regional Police and Special Detachment 88 Antiteror chased the suspects and managed to shot them to death. (UN/ES) (MMB/YM/Naster)

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