President Joko Widodo Inaugurates Coal-Fired Power Plant in Batang

President Joko Widodo Inaugurates Coal-Fired Power Plant in Batang
President Joko Widodo accompanied by First Lady Iriana inaugurated the groundbreaking of Coal-fired Power Plant (PLTU) in Batang, Central Java, on Friday (28/8) morning. The 2X1000 megawatt (MW) power plant is located at the beach of Ujungnegoro Village, Kandeman Sub-district, Batang Regency.
In his remarks, President Joko Widodo invited all investors to become the sponsor for this project because the State Budget is not enough to fund this project. This coal-fired power plant is expected to supply electricity to Java and Bali Islands, President Joko Widodo said.
President Joko Widodo explained, this project was build under the cooperation from the government and private parties with more than US$ 4 Million investment value. It is the proof that the government can solve the problems and provide a way for solving investment problem. The project could be a model. We hope, optimistically, all problems of investment could be solved, the President firmly said.
Moreover, the coal-fired power plant project that is projected to be completed by 2018, is expected not to stop halfway because of the issues of permit and land acquisition. I hope all parties to start the work soon. I will conduct a sudden inspection, in another one month or two or three, the President said.
President Joko Widodo reminded all people that our children could study at night because of electricity, so do our fishermen that can put fishes in the freezer and preserve them because of electricity, small shops as well as small enterprises and industry could run because of electricity.
In a press release, Managing Director of Bhimasena Power Indonesia, Mohammad Effendi said that the coal-fired power plant project in Batang uses Ultra Super Critical Technology in order to boost the efficiency and to minimize the impact to environment. It uses the latest technology and it is the biggest in Southest Asia, Mohammad Effendi said.
On this occasion, President Joko Widodo also had a dialogue with the high-ranking officials of State Electricity Company (PLN) in five regions, including Maluku diesel power plant (PLTD) in East Nusa Tenggara through video conference.
Furthermore, President Joko Widodo also launched the electrification of 50 outer islands and border areas in Indonesia.
Accompanying the President in the event were Minister of State-owned Enterprises Rini Suwandi, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning Ferry M. Baldan, National Police Chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti, Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, Managing Director of PLN Sofyan Basir, and Managing Director of PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia Mohammad Effendi as the executor of the construction of Batang coal-fired power plant.
The project was implemented under public-private cooperation pattern (Public Private Partnership/PPP). The project with more than US$ 4 Million investment value is the first PPP project that was based on Presidential Regulation No. 67/2005 on Cooperation Between the Government and Business Entities in Infrastructure.
Electrification Program
Managing Director of PLN Sofyan Basir said that PLN has carried out the construction of diesel power plant (PLTD).
Sofyan added that his office has already built 149 units of diesel machine in 50 locations across 13 provinces from Aceh to Papua.
According to Sofyan Basir, through 678 MW PLTD, PLN will be able to supply electricity to 35,468 new users in outer islands and border areas. ((WID/DNK/BSM/RAH/ES) (Rany/Yu/Mia-Naster/Sy).