President Joko Widodo Reobserves Locations to Monitor the Progress

By Humas     Date 25 September 2015
Category: News
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President Joko Widodo headed back to hot spot locations at Guntung Damar Village, Landasan Ulin District, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, on Wednesday (23/9)

While some of the reporters were sending pictures and others were taking a break at the hotel where President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo stayed, the Assistant of President’s Personal Secretary Devid Agus Yunanto, on Wednesday (23/9) at 15.30 WITA, asked all reporters to get ready to follow President who was going to leave the hotel.

At the moment, officers from Protocol Bureau, as well as Press, Media and Informatics Bureau of Presidential Secretariat were busy calling the reporters. One by one, the reporters headed to the vehicles that were ready to go.

At 16.05 WITA, nine reporters who were accompanying the President from Jakarta entered the cars prepared for the reporters.

At 16.15 WITA, the Presidential Car (RI- 1) where the President rided in headed towards Banjarbaru. No one knows where was the precise location they were heading to.

It turned out that they headed to the hot spot location at Guntung Damar Village, Landasan Ulin District, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan.

For the record, the location is the first location that the President visited after landed at Syamsuddin Noor Airport. It was also the location where President Joko Widodo gave a briefing to the soldiers and fire fighters at 11.05 AM.

Only five hours later, hundreds of soldiers and fire fighters had left the location.

Walking alone, President Joko Widodo reobserved the hot spots, without governor, minister or security accompanying. The President walked for 300 meters to observe the hot spot.

When the President returned, he was asked by the reporters why he came back to the location he was visited this afternoon.

“I want to ensure the working process is running well. I do not want when I leave this place then the work is left behind,” Presiden Joko Widodo answered.

When the reporters asked again whether the President was satisfied with the work of fire fighters or not, President Joko Widodo answered, “I saw there were only three hot spots. Their works are pretty good,” the President said.  (TKP/ES)  (RAS/MMD/LW-Naster/Sy)

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