President Joko Widodo Requests That Broadcasting Agencies Not Just Pursue Rating, Feature Sensation

President Joko Widodo Requests That Broadcasting Agencies Not Just Pursue Rating, Feature Sensation
President Joko Widodo called on broadcasting agencies not only to pursue rating by accentuating the sensation. To that end, President Joko Widodo invited the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to focus on supervising the broadcasting programs so that broadcasting agencies do not deviate from the prevailing regulations and rules.
“If we only pursue rating, people will easily get stuck on sensation,” the President said when opening the KPI executive meeting at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday (2/9) afternoon.
With sensation far beyond etiquette, politeness, legal norms, and state administration, as well as discipline, the President said that Indonesia will find it difficult to address challenges, including those in the economic field.
President Joko Widodo went on to say that a week ago, he met with the KPI Chairman Judhariksawan and the broadcasters to discuss about rating. Apparently, the President continued, rating is of great importance for broadcasting industry.
“We have a discussion about the topic for one and a half hours. The meeting was of particular importance. We share the same spirit that we agree to fix the quality of program, content,” the President said.
In addition, the President invited the KPI to complete the preparation of the broadcasting guidelines for improving the quality of the broadcasting programs.
“Broadcasting contents are supposed to give education and change mindset to foster the value of positive attitudes and culture,” the President explained.
Attending the event, among others, were Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, and Presidential Chief of Staff Teten Masduki. (DID/WID/DNS/ES) (M/YM-Naster)/Sy.