President Joko Widodo Wants the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) to Learn the Logistics Management in Dubai

By Humas     Date 16 September 2015
Category: News
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Gudang Logistik Dubai

President Joko Widodo observes Logistics Center in Dubai, (UAE), on Monday (14/9)

After leaving Abu Dhabi, President Joko Widodo and his entourage headed to Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Monday, 14 September 2015, to visit Dubai Logistics Center, Techno Park, and Dubai Alumunium Company (Dubal), and Dubai Ports (DB) World.

When visiting Dubai Logistics Center, located in G2 International Techno Park, Dubai, President Joko Widodo was impressed by the condition of the warehouse which is not only large, but also clean and neat.

“This is an ideal warehouse. There are meats, chicken, rice, and many others, including fruits. This warehouse can store products from farmers,” President Joko Widodo said.

President Joko Widodo wants Bulog to learn from the Logistics Management in Dubai. “With this warehouse, many products can be bought. All products from farmers should be picked up by Bulog or the companies in order to boost the farmers’ spirit,” he said.

According to President Joko Widodo, Indonesia can build the same logistics center by learning from the establishment and management of the logistics center in Dubai. “With good management and inexpensive cost, the management will be efficient,” the President said.

Therefore, in the next two weeks, President Joko Widodo continued his statement, a team from Indonesia will discuss investment in logistics with a team from the UAE. “The technical team will decide whether the investment will be made jointly or separately,” the President stated.

Bagan Siapi-api

Meanwhile, upon his visit to Dubai Ports (DP) World, President Joko Widodo was welcomed by the Chairman of Dubai Ports World, Sultan bin Sulayem.

After meeting with the Chairman, the President observed the operator room of Dubai Ports World. Right after that, the President and his entourage observed the management and operation of container terminal in the port.

In his press conference, President Joko Widodo said that a cooperation with Dubai Ports World has been done in Surabaya. “The cooperation will be enhanced in Tanjungsiapi-api. In the next two weeks, a survey will be conducted and the plan will be carried out,” the President said.

In his visit to Dubai, President Joko Widodo was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of National Development Planning Board Sofyan Djalil, and Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board Franky Sibarani.

Following his visit to Dubai, President Joko Widodo and the entourage was scheduled for a working visit in Qatar until Tuesday (15/9) (SM/TKP/ES) (AW/YM-Naster/Sy).

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