“President Joko Widodo’s Visit to Europe is not Just Diplomatic Pleasantries,” Seskab Says

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 15 April 2016
Category: News
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Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung delivers a press statement after a Limited Meeting at the Presidential Office, Jakarta (15/4)

President Joko Widodo accompanied by First Lady Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo, from Sunday (17/4) to Saturday (23/4), will conduct a working visit to four European countries, such as Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said that this visit will emphasize on a number of issues related with economic cooperation.

“Cooperation enhancement in the context of the European Union, for example vocational training cooperation. In addition, the visit will also discuss a number of issues related with the latest political issues, such as the situation in the Middle East as well as terrorism,” Pramono said in his press statement after a Limited Meeting at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, on Friday (15/4) afternoon.

Moreover, he added, there would also be a discussion of maritime cooperation with several countries since the President has decided that maritime sector becomes the Government’s priority.

“These are some points that have been prepared. The focus of this visit is how Indonesia materialize two points that becomes its priorities, i.e. deregulation and infrastructure development,” Pramono said.

He also firmly said that this visit is not just diplomatic pleasantries. Therefore, in every country, the President wants the discussion to produce concrete results; not just an ordinary visit.

Trade Aspect

Minister of Trade Thomas Lembong added that the series of President Joko Widodo’s visit to Europe mainly focuses on trade aspect.

He mentioned that one of concrete results that Indonesia wants to achieve is the settlement of the initial negotiation of CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) between the European Union (EU) and Indonesia.

“It would be a giant economic and trade cooperation agreement because it involves 28 EU member countries, with total population of 537 million people, and economic value of  US$ 18.5 trillion per year,” Lembong said.

According to him, CEPA has a very broad scope and there were a number of points that had been reported in the Limited Meeting. “Three days ago, in Coordination Meeting of Coordinating Minister, we have finished 11 points out of 14 points of negotiation. In the Limited Meeting, we have finished the rest 3 points,” he said.

Minister of Trade explained that the points discussed are confidential. “However, I am pleased to announce that I am optimistic that the scoping between the EU and Indonesia will immediately finish,” he said. (FID/ES)(MMB/YM/Naster)

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