President Jokowi: 2015-2030 is a Critical Period

President Jokowi talks with the participants of the 2016 KP3MN, KLIK and I23J on infrastructure sector, at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday (22/6) afternoon
President Joko Jokowi Widodo said that 2015-2030 is a critical period. The President admitted that he never knows what will happen if we do not win this fight. On the contrary, if we win this fight we will be ready to take off.
There is a key and it lies in all of you, not in other people, President Jokowi said when delivering a remarks on the Opening of 2016 Consolidation Planning and Implementation of National Investment (KP3MN), and the Launching of Investment Simplification through Direct Construction Permission (KLIK) as well as the Improvement of Three-hour Permit Services (I23J) on infrastructure sector, at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday (22/6) afternoon.
The 2016 KP3MN is held for two days, and aims to develop the synergy on investment policy between central and regional Governments. Meanwhile, KLIK is a form of easiness from the Government to enterprises which will invest in certain industrial areas.
The launching of Improvement of Three-hour Permit Service (I23J) on infrastructure sector took place on 18 January 2016, and on Monday (22/2) the Improvement of Three-hour Permit Service (I23J) on infrastructure sector for Transportation, Energy, and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Public Works and Public Housing was launched.
In Race Against Time
President Jokowi explained that he has already conducted 5 working visits to monitor the construction of toll road. It is indeed different with the normal process when we only wait the construction to be finished after the groundbreaking. No, I do not want it that way. I want it to be accelerated. I will check it, again and again. There is no other way, the President firmly said.
The President asserted that we are in race against time, and we are running out of time. The same situation also happened to dwelling time. The President monitors the seaport because it is the key. We lose Rp 740 trillion due to the inefficiency. I visited it because there must be a major problem, the President said.
According to President Jokowi, the previous dwelling time was six days, while in January it was 4.7 days. Now, the Coordinating Minister said that the dwelling time is less than 3 days, and the President considered it is almost like Singapore and Malaysia.
If we do not do it, we will be left, due to the high prices of logistic and transportation. So, what will we do? Can our products compete? The President himself must intervene and go to the seaports. There is no president in this world doing this, the President firmly said and he admitted that he is happy the Coordinating Ministers and Ministers have worked rapidly to make breakthroughs.
The President said that since the Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) has signed the MoU, if there is problem in the investment in the regions, for example relating to security and land acquisition that require the presence of the police, they must be present so that the process is going well.
President Jokowi asserted that we are now entering the era of competition. The procedures that obstruct us must be put to an end. We already did it in the central, and I think the same situation must also be applied in the regions. There should be no more permits that take years to be finished, the President said.
President Jokowi admitted that there are several regions that are improving, but there are more regions that have not. They still use the old patterns.
I want to check it one by one, and I will control it. I will find the regions that still use the old way, the procedures that bring obstruction, regions that ask for illegal levy, and hamper the people. We are running out of time. If there are government apparatus that ask for illegal levy, report it to the Regional Police Chief (Kapolda). There is no other way, President Jokowi firmly said.
On that occasion, President Jokowi also mentioned the target indicator in ease of doing business. The President reminded all that Indonesia stood at rank 109 last year, while in 2014 it was at rank 120. Indonesia is still at rank 109 while Malaysia is at rank 18.
Are you not ashamed? Because I am ashamed. Thailand is at rank 49, while we are still at rank 109. I repeat it once again to make us remember. I repeat it again, ranked 109. Are we not ashamed? President Jokowi asked and answered by the audiences with yes.
Therefore, President Jokowi gave targets to all ministries and the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). The President admitted that he wants Indonesias rank to surge to 40. If the rank only improves from 120 to 109, only rises by 10 ranks, how many years we will achieve the target. Just imagine it, how many years we will achieve the target while the other countries have already took off. No, I want Indonesia to be at rank 40 this year, the President firmly said.
Therefore, the President reminded all of the importance of sharing works to the regions, central, and ministries. I will check it one by one those who take much time to finish and have not improved. I will take it easy. If the ministers take much time, I will replace them, the President firmly said while admitted that he can not replace the governors, regents, and mayors.
The 2016 KP3MN, KLIK and I23J on Infrastructure Sector was attended by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, several Working Cabinet Ministers, the Head of BKPM Franky Sibarani, Chief of Indonesian National Police Gen. Badrodin Haiti, Attorney General Prasetyo, governors, regents, and mayors. (DND/Jay/ES) (RAS/MMB/YM/Naster)