President Jokowi Announces New Structure of Coordinating Ministries

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 Oktober 2019
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Indonesian Onward Cabinet Ministers take pledge during inauguration at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (23/10). (Photo by: Rahmat/PR)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Wednesday (23/10) signed Presidential Regulation Number 67 of 2019 on Structures, Duties, and Functions of the Indonesian Onward Cabinet Ministries for 2019-2024 term which also stipulated the structure of coordinating ministries.

Based on this Regulation, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs shall coordinate: a. Minister of Home Affairs; b. Minister of Foreign Affairs; c. Ministry of Defense; d. Ministry of Law and Human Rights; e. Ministry of Communications and Informatics; f. Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms; g. the Attorney General; h. the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI); i. Indonesian National Police (Polri); and j. other institutions if necessary.

“Other institutions as intended will be coordinated under Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs in carrying out its tasks and functions in the fields of politic, legal, and security,” Article 6 paragraph (2) of this Presidential Regulation reads.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs shall coordinate: a. Ministry of Finance; b. Ministry of Manpower; c. Ministry of Industry; d. Ministry of Trade; e. Ministry of Agriculture; f. Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/the National Land Agency; g. Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises; h. Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises; i. Ministry of Research and Technology/ National Research and Innovation Agency; and j. other institutions if necessary.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture shall coordinate: a. Ministry of Religious Affairs; b. Ministry of Culture and Education; c. Ministry of Health; d. Ministry of Social Affairs; e. Ministry of Villages Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration; f. Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection; g. Ministry of Youth and Sports; and h. other institutions if necessary.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment shall coordinate: a. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources; b. Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing; c. Ministry of Transportation; d. Ministry of the Environment and Forestry; e. Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries; f. Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency; g. Investment Coordinating Board; and h. other institutions if necessary.

“Should workloads require special handling, the President may appoint Deputy Minister at certain ministries,” Article 11 reads.

Further provisions on Deputy Minister will be regulated on the amendment to Presidential Regulation on organization and work procedures of the ministry.

This Presidential Regulation also stipulates that Minister/Coordinating Minister/Head of Agency can appoint 5 (five) Special Staff. The number of Special Staff members and the candidates will be submitted to the President through Minister of State Secretary for approval.

“The Presidential Regulation shall apply as of the date of its promulgation,” Article 17 of Presidential Regulation which was stipulated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on 24 October 2019 reads. (Pusdatin/ES)




Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : M. Ersan Pamungkas


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