President Jokowi Appreciates Community Involvement in Dealing with Smog Disaster

By Humas     Date 30 Oktober 2015
Category: News
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Rumah Singgah

President Jokowi accompanied by shelter managers, Syarifuddin and Minister PUPR, in Shelter Seberang Ulu, Palembang, Friday (30/10) morning

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed his appreciation the involvement of the community and non-governmental organizations or NGO in disaster management of the smog, especially those related to the health of babies.

“We can see a halfway house is good for Toddler because there are doctors in it, medical, medicine, so that the handling becomes so complete, and if for example, in this neighborhood the smoke is thick, it is necessary to enter the place of all, and I see all served well,”  said President Jokowi told reporters after reviewing the Toddler Care Shelter, in the village of Bulu, District of Seberang Ulu, Palembang, South Sumatra, Friday (30/10) morning.

During the visit on the way to Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II airport, Palembang, to review the smog disaster in Jambi, President Jokowi took time to dialogue with one of the halfway house manager named Syarifudin. On that occasion, President Jokowi donated funds in a large brown envelope.

Regarding the environmental conditions surrounding the smog disaster, President Jokowi reminds that Indonesia Health Card (KIS), especially for the purpose that we can implement a healthy lifestyle, healthy food, exercise, clean environment. “That way towards a healthy Indonesian with good,” he said.

Recognized by President Jokowi if today we are still more handle people who are sick, because a sick need to be addressed. However, President Jokowi reminded that the correctly is a healthy lifestyle, there is a clean environment.

“Halfway house like this with activities that many mothers here to check the health of babies, I think it is good,” President Jokowi said. (RAH/JAY/ES)

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