President Jokowi Assign 151 Draft Gov. Regulation that Will Be Completed in 2015

By Humas     Date 4 Mei 2015
Category: News
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Bina-Pajak-750x410In order to implement the provisions of Article 26 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 12 of 2011 on the Establishment Regulation Legislation, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on 29 April 2015 has already signed Presidential Decree No. 9 of 2015 on Government Regulation Drafting Program in 2015.

In the Presidential Decree attached to the 151 (one hundred and fifty one) Draft Government Regulation (RPP) which is set for a period of 1 (one) year, along the year 2015.

“Ministry of Justice and Human Right, verifies the progress report of the realization the Government Regulation drafting of the proponent to be submitted to the President,” reads Presidential Decree on the FOURTH dictum.

To the possibility of changes in Government Regulation Preparation Program, according to this decree, conducted with the approval of the President.

Submission of the Draft of Government Regulation outside Government Regulation Preparation Program referred could be done by: a. the Act needs; and b. Supreme Court Ruling.

Preparation of the Draft of Government Regulation as referred, related with : a. Certain circumstances for the urgent establishment of government regulation; b. The needs of specific government regulation, which always formed each year; or c. Submission of government regulation that is based on: 1. the Draft Government Regulation on State Capital; and 2. the Draft Government Regulation on Types and Rates on Non Tax Revenue.

“The submission of Government Regulation Draft outside the Program of Government Regulation Preparation to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, conducted after obtaining permission of the initiative of the President,” read the dictum EIGHTH of Presidential Decree No. 9 2015, which came into force on 29 April 2015.

Implementation of Housing and Occupational Health

In the Presidential Decree No. 9 of 2015 is attached 151 Draft Government Regulation that included in the Government Regulation Preparation Program, including: 1. RPP on the Implementation of the Housing; 2. RPP on the Occupational Health; 3. RPP on State House; 4. RPP on the Implementation of the Flats; 5. RPP on Retirement Assurance Program; 6. RPP on Equal Remuneration; 7. RPP on Compensation Public Transportation Company; 8. RPP on Preservation of Cultural Heritage; 9. RPP on the Implementation of Halal Products; and 10. RPP on Border Trade.  (Pusdatin/ES)


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