President Jokowi Distributes Assistance for Farmers, Land Certificates

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Januari 2024
Category: News
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President Jokowi hands out assistance to farmers facing crop failure on Monday (01/23) at Bung Karno Sports Complex in Grobogan regency, Central Java province. (Photo by: BPMI of Presidential Secretariat)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo Tuesday (01/23) visited Grobogan regency in Central Java province to distribute assistance for farmers and certificates of title to land.

“We have [a population of] Rp280 million and they all have to eat. Thus, your role as farmers is essential for this country,” he said when distributing stimulant assistance to farmers facing crop failure at Bung Karno Sports Complex in Grobogan regency, Central Java province.

The President stated that climate change has impacted the people, including farmers’ productivity rate.

“We can clearly see the impacts. Disasters have occurred everywhere. Other countries’ rice production also dropped due to these disasters. Long-term droughts and constant rainfall have caused crop failure,” he said, adding that he has ordered Head of the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) Suharyanto to disburse assistance for farmers facing crop failure.

“I have directly ordered [him] to provide assistance. When an earthquake occurs and houses collapse or even just crack, the BNPB provides assistance. The victims’ suffering is the same as [farmers whose] rice fields are flooded,” he said.

The President pointed out that the Rp8 million assistance per hectare is a production cost so farmers can immediately start replanting rice.

“For those affected by El Niño-induced floods and the current long-term drought. In Central Java, 16,000 hectares are affected and the beneficiaries today are [farmers in] regencies of Grobogan, Kudus, Jepara, Demak, and Pati. The provided assistance has been calculated, Rp8 million per hectare,” he said while expressing hope that the farmers can receive the money shortly so they can begin replanting.

In Grobogan, President Jokowi also distributed 3,000 land certificates to the people at Krida Bhakti Stadion.

According to the President, the Government has issued 110 million land certificates out of a total of 126 million across the country.

“We only have little to complete. Based on my calculation, if there had been no COVID [pandemic], which lasted two years, we would have been able to complete all 126 million. However, due to COVID, the timeline was pushed back a little, so next year it will be completed. The next administration will complete it next year,” he said.

The President underscored that land certificate is legal evidence that the people have a right to land and it can prevent disputes and conflicts over land.

“Thus, there will be no more disputes. Once you have the certificate, which contains the name of the rights-holders, the land area, the address. Everything is mentioned here, so if someone comes and claims, ‘This is my land,’ tell them ‘No, it is mine. This is the certificate.’ They will say nothing more,” he said.

The President also reminded the people to remain careful to use the certificate for a business loan from the bank, adding that they must make a detailed calculation.

“You are allowed to use it as a collateral, but do calculate [the risk] beforehand. If you are unable to pay the monthly instalment, I discourage you to apply. If the profit is Rp10 million and the instalment is Rp20 million, do not take the loan. The business will be closed. If the profit is Rp20 million and the instalment is Rp10 million, it is still possible,” he remarked. (DND/KS/UN) (DH/EP)

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