President Jokowi Distributes KIS, PKH, PMT in Ambon

President Jokowi when distributing Aspiring Family Program (PKH), Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), and Extra Nutrition Program for Children (PMT) in Ambon, Maluku, on Wednesday (8/2)
In a series of working visit to Ambon, Maluku, President Joko Jokowi Widodo on Wednesday (8/2) distributed Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), Aspiring Family Program (PKH), and Extra Nutrition Program for Children (PMT) to the residents in Rumah Tiga Village, Teluk Ambon Subdistrict, Ambon City.
President Jokowi told the 347 card recipients that they can use the cards to get medical treatment at the hospital or community health centers (Puskesmas). If you have cold or cough, do not go to the hospital. Let doctors in Puskesmas examine you first. If it gets worse, you will be referred to the hospital. Use this card (KIS) and you will get free treatment, the President told the residents.
The President also reminded the hospitals to serve KIS holders well and not to discriminate them. If there is a hospital which does not serve the KIS holders as they should, please report it to the Minister of Health or me, the President said adding that the hospital fees are paid by the State.
Beside KIS, the President, on that occasion, also distributed PKH to 350 recipients who will receive Rp2 million transferred to their bank accounts and it can be withdrawn every three months. Their bank accounts will be filled for a year with the total funds amounting to Rp2 million. The PKH recipients are the elderly, those with disabilities, and housewives who participate in the PKH, the President explained.
President Jokowi also distributed PMT to 1,007 recipients which consists of elementary school students, toddlers, and pregnant women. The President said PMT is needed to prepare Indonesian children to be healthy and smart in facing future global competition. Our children have to be prepared so that they will be bright, smart, healthy, and can win global competition in the future, the President added.
Also accompaying President Jokowi in the event were First Lady Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Health Nila Moeloek, Minister of Social Affairs Khofifah Indar Parawansa, and Governor of Maluku Said Assagaff. (AGG/UN) (RAS/MMB/YM/Naster)