President Jokowi Filed Another Two Candidate Names of Commissioners KY to the DPR

By Humas     Date 17 November 2015
Category: News
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Judicial Commission (KY) building

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) through the letter on Monday (16/11) has submitted another two-candidate names commissioner Judicial Commission (KY) to the Chairman of the House of Representatives. This submission is a substitute proposal, after previously the House of Representatives does not approve the two candidates from seven prospective members KY, for a term of years 2015-2020 filed by President on 8 September 2015.

Based on Law No. 18 Year 2011 concerning the Amendment of Law Number 22 Year 2004 concerning Judicial Commission, KY members appointed by the President with the approval of Parliament.

Earlier, the President has proposed seven candidate names of Commissioners KY namely: Joko Sasmito, Wiwiek Awiati, Maradaman Harahap, Harjono, Farid Wajdi, Sukma Violetta, and Sumartoyo. On October 20, 2015, the House of Representatives conveyed its approval of five from the seven names submitted by the President, namely Joko Sasmito, Maradaman Harahap, Farid Wajdi, Sukma Violetta, and Sumartoyo.

President Communications Team, Ari Dwipayana in a press release on Monday (16/11) afternoon said, that the two candidate names proposed by the President to the Parliament are the two candidates chosen by the Selection Committee from candidates who have qualified to the final stage, based on the value that has been owned by each candidate from a variety of tests, carried out previously, namely: selection of quality, personality, health, investigation, and final interview.

“The selection committee, choose the name of the replacement candidate after a request from the President. The selection committee basing his choice on the parameters of competence, integrity, leadership, and independence,” Ari said.

He said that the two candidate names were proposed, namely: Dr. Aidul Fitriciada Azhari, SH, M. Hum., and Dr. Jaja Ahmad Jayus, SH, M. Hum.

“These two names submitted by the Selection Committee to the President on Friday, November 14, 2015. According to the rules, the President filed the names to the House at the latest 15 days after receiving the candidate names from selection committee,” Ari said. (ES)/Sy.

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