President Jokowi: Gov’t Supports MUI to Realize Islam as “Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin”

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 25 November 2020
Category: News
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President Jokowi delivers his remarks via a video conference at the 10th National Conference of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Wednesday (25/11). Photo by: Bureau Press of Presidential Secretariat.

The Government fully supports the efforts made by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to realize Islam as a “rahmatan lil ‘alamin” (blessing for the universe) in a diverse nation, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has said.

“The spirit of our Islamic preaching is peace because the essence of preaching is to invite people to the path of goodness according to the noble characters of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),” the President said in his remarks via a video conference at the 10th National Conference of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Wednesday (25/11).

On that occasion, the President also praised MUI board members in central and regional level across Indonesia for their role as a bridge of communication between ulemas and the Government.

The President also applauded the MUI for its contribution in empowering the economy of the people and maintaining a harmonious and amicable relationship, not only within Muslim community, but also among all religious communities across the nation.

Regarding efforts to overcome the ongoing pandemic, President Jokowi expressed his appreciation for the MUI’s responsive measures in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 by issuing a number of fatwas and prayer guidelines to ensure the safety of the people.

The fatwas are very contextual and in line with the public interest, the President said.

“The MUI is also very consistent in encouraging the public to comply with health protocols in every activity, including in worship and preaching activities,” the President said, while asking the MUI to support the upcoming vaccination program aimed at overcoming the pandemic, recovering public health, and rebuilding the economy.

Founded on 26 July 1975, the Indonesian Ulema Council is Indonesia’s top Muslim clerical body. The council comprises many Indonesian Muslim groups including Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and smaller groups such as, Syarikat Islam, Perti, Al Washliyah, Math’laul Anwar, GUPPI, PTDI, DMI and Al Ittihadiyyah. (BPMI/UN) (RI/EP)

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