President Jokowi Hands Over 1.55 Million Land Certificates at State Palace

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 Desember 2022
Category: News
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President Jokowi hands over certificates of land rights to the recipients, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (12/01). (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Oji)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo Thursday (12/1) at the State Palace, Jakarta handed over 1.55 million land certificates.

The event was held in a hybrid manner.

“This afternoon, I am pleased because 1,552,000 certificates were received by recipients in 34 provinces, both those who physically and virtually attended the event from their respective provinces,” the President said.

According to the President, land certificate is legal proof of property ownership that can prevent land conflicts.

“If people have land certificates, there will be no conflicts and land disputes,” he said, adding that there were 126 million uncertified parcels of land back then in 2015, but only 46 million people owned certificates.

“There are still 80 million people who do not own land certificates. That is a lot and leads to land disputes and land conflicts occur everywhere,” he said.

To that end, the Head of State said he had ordered Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN) to speed up completion of land certificates.

“As of today, the total has reached 100 million. There are 26 million certificates left to be completed in about two or three years, insya Allah,” he added.

On that occasion, the President also expressed excitement for the ownership issue of 744 land parcels of Suku Anak Dalam has been resolved since the issue has been dragging on for 35 years.

“The land issue has been resolved because the deputy minister, the Minister himself, and the regional government monitored the progress on the ground. It is easy to solve a problem as long as we monitor it on the ground instead of sitting in the office. I bet the issue will not be settled anytime soon,” he stressed.

The President further said that the problem of land disputes does not only occur in the Anak Dalam tribe in Jambi, but also occurs in many regions in the country, not to mention the existence of land mafias.

In addition, the President said he has also ordered Minister of Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning to eradicate land mafias.

“I have told the Minister to not give mercy to land mafia. This concerns the livelihood of many people. When it comes to land, it is terrible. They can fight and kill each other since it involves a very principled matter. We must avoid land conflicts. Once again, land disputes can be resolved immediately by providing certificates as proof of legal rights,” he explained.

In the meantime, Minister of Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of BPN Hadi Tjahjanto said that the total certificates distributed at the event were 1,552,450 certificates, including 1,423,750 certificates for the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) and 119,699 certificates for land redistribution to communities throughout Indonesia.

The Minister revealed that out of around 126 million parcels of land in the country, his ministry has managed to register 100.14 million parcels and 82.5 million have been certified.

“To achieve the target of all certified land parcels by 2025, we will complete the remaining 25.86 million land parcels over the next 3 years,” said Hadi.

On that occasion, the Minister also highlighted the achievements of the Agrarian Reform Object Land (TORA) program.

“We’d also like to report specifically that currently, TORA Program has exceeded the target of 1.16 million hectares (291.61 percent) from the total target of 4.5 million hectares, which consists of right to cultivate (Hak Guna Usaha), abandoned land, and 400 thousand hectares of other state lands,” he said.

As for the activity of providing TORA from releasing forest areas with a target of 4.1 million hectares, a total of 329,936.75 hectares or 8.05 percent have been certified.

“As an effort to accelerate land registration, Ministry of Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/BPN encourages regency/city governments to waive Land and Building Rights Acquisition Fees (BPHTB) at the first land registration. And as of today, at least 93 regencies/cities across the country have released the BPHTB,” he said. (FID/TGH/UN) (RIF/EP)

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