President Jokowi Hands Over 1,158 Land Certificates in N. Sumatra

President Jokowi symbolically hands over 1,158 land certificates to the representatives of local residents, in Taman Raja Batu, Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra, on Saturday (25/3)
After distributing Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), Smart Indonesia Card (KIP), Supplementary Feeding (PMT), and Aspiring Family Program (PKH), President Joko Jokowi Widodo on Saturday (25/3), handed over 1,158 land certificates to the representatives of local residents, in Taman Raja Batu, Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra.
In his remarks, President Jokowi asserted that a certificate proclaims the rights as well as legal status of land owned by the people. Keep it safe, the President said.
The certificate, the President added, is a proof of land ownership in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
I instructed the Head of Spatial Planning/ National Land Agency to hand over 5 million certificates by this year, and 7 million for next year. On the other hand, if there is an issue of the lack of land surveyors, the related agency can hire outsourced workers, the President explained.
President Jokowi emphasized that agrarian reform program is a concrete manifestation of justice, and owning a certificate is the first rights of every citizen in the developed countries. Whether people can improve or not, it is the matter of certificate, the President added.
Certificate might also be used as a collateral to take loan in a bank. If you use it as collateral, use it to get capital to start a business, but do not use it to buy a car or a motorcycle, and other unproductive sectors, the President said.
The President added that certificate can also be used to get more income and capital.
President Jokowi believes that on the 100th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence in 2045, Indonesias Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is expected to reach US$29,000, and Indonesia will become a country with no poverty. However, the President reminded all that in order to realize those ideas, the country must maintain its political stability.
Previously, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency Sofyan Djalil in his report said that the 1,158 certificates are handed over to the representatives of State-Owned Enterprises, Indonesian National Defence Forces, Indonesian National Police, private sectors, farmers, and people living in North Sumatra.
The land certificates are handed over to 200 land owners in Mandailing Natal Regency, 80 land owners in Padang Sidempuan City, 60 land owners in Tanjung Balai City, 150 in Langkat, 65 in North Tapanuli, 15 in Binjai, 9 in Nias, 75 in Serdang Bedagai, 3 in Samosir Regency, 29 in Central Tapanuli, 34 in Sibolga City, 5 in Tebing Tinggi City, 21 in Humbang Hasundutan, 64 in South Tapanuli, 2 in South Nias, 100 in Asahan, 19 in Medan City, 25 in Pematang Siantar, 65 in Simalungun, 17 in Toba Samosir, 55 in Labuhan Batu, etc.
Accompanying President Jokowi during that event were First Lady Ibu Iriana, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency Sofyan Djalil, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Health Nila Moeloek, Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy, Presidential Chief of Staff Teten Masduki, and Governor of North Sumatra Tengku Erry Nuradi. (EN/OJI/ES) (RA/MMB/YM/Naster)