President Jokowi Hopes ASEAN-India Partnership Can Create Stable Indo-Pacific Region

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 25 Januari 2018
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President Jokowi poses in a group photo with the Heads of State/ Heads of Government of ASEAN countries at the Rasthrapati Bhawan, on Thursday (25/1)

President Jokowi poses in a group photo with the Heads of State/ Heads of Government of ASEAN countries at the Rasthrapati Bhawan, on Thursday (25/1)

Peaceful, stable and prosperous region should be established in Pacific and Indian oceans areas, which are located in the Indo-Pacific.

The statement was delivered by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo before the Retreat of Prime Minister of India with ASEAN Heads of State/Government which was held during the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit at the Rasthrapati Bhawan, on Thursday (25/1).

“I believe ASEAN-lead mechanism and partnership between ASEAN and India will bring a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific,” the President added.

President Jokowi asserted that the concept of Indo-Pacific has been developed under Treaty of Amity and Cooperation of ASEAN in which all key countries are the parties of that Treaty.

“The development of Indo-Pacific concept should also be done in open, transparent, and inclusive manners based on habit of dialog, willingness to cooperate and the upholding of international laws,” the President stated.

Through this concept, the President added, unhealthy rivalry that will lead to ‘power projection’ can be prevented.

President Jokowi went on to say that the development of that concept will bring positive impact if it is done through ‘building blocks’ approach, among others the strengthening of bilateral and ‘plurilateral cooperation’ as those in ASEAN-India countries; the strengthening of regional mechanism including IORA in Indian Ocean, and ASEAN-lead Mechanisms particularly the East Asia Summit (EAS) in Pacific Ocean; the linking and integration of cooperation mechanism in Indian and Pacific Oceans.

“The strengthening of building blocks will create Indo-Pacific region that becomes one of world’s leading sources of economic growth, trade centers and industries,” President Jokowi firmly said.

Also on that occasion, the President stressed that maritime cooperation is the key in the architecture development of Indo-Pacific region, and Indonesia is committed to enhancing that cooperation through the IORA and the EAS.

“I want to use this opportunity to appreciate India’s support towards ASEAN centrality. I am optimistic that ASEAN and India will serve as the foundation of Indo-Pacific cooperation,” the President added.

At the beginning of his remarks, President Jokowi said that countries in Southeast Asia commemorated ASEAN’s 50th anniversary last year and that the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-India partnership was also celebrated last year.

“If during the 50 years ASEAN has successfully established peaceful and prosperous region in Southeast Asia, ASEAN-India should also contribute to a wider region,” the President stated.

For the record, before attending the Retreat, President Jokowi accompanied by First Lady Ibu Iriana attended the luncheon of ASEAN Heads of State/Government with President of India Ram Nath Kovind and First Lady Savita Kovind.

After the Retreat later in the afternoon, President Jokowi is slated to attend the welcoming ceremony of ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit and the launching of ASEAN-India Commemorative Stamps at Taj Diplomatic Enclave Hotel, New Delhi.

Accompanying President Jokowi in the Retreat were Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, and Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita. (BPMI/EN)(RAS/EP/YM/Naster)

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