President Jokowi Hopes Tax Amnesty Law Can Bring Concrete Results

President Jokowi leads a limited meeting on tax amnesty, on Monday (25/4) afternoon, at the Presidential Office, Jakarta
President Joko Jokowi Widodo said that the Government respects the deliberation of Tax Amnesty Bill at the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR-RI).
However, the President hopes that Tax Amnesty Law can bring concrete benefits for the sake of the country, particularly to augment state revenues. The President also asked his officials to widen tax base so that the Government can have more taxpayers data in the future.
Furthermore, Tax Amnesty Law is expected to repatriate capital abroad to Indonesia, President Jokowi said that in his introductory remarks at a limited meeting on Tax Amnesty Bill on Monday (25/4) at the Presidential Office.
According to President Jokowi, Tax Amnesty Law is aimed at creating capital inflow, so that the country will get the return of capital which has been stored at foreign banks and the money is expected to boost national economy.
However, the President asserted that with or without Tax Amnesty Law and capital repatriation, he will instruct Directorate General of Taxation to carry on the tax reforms. Furthermore, law enforcement toward taxpayers will continue to be made, particularly when flaws are discovered in tax report in the future, the President firmly said.
The President also called on Bank Indonesia Governor, Head of Financial Services Authority (OJK), Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), and Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises to prepare a certain investment instrument once the Bill is passed by the DPR.
Which investment instrument must be prepared once cash inflow, be it portfolio and direct investment enters the country? the President added.
Also attending the limited meeting were Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Presidential Chief of Staff Teten Masduki, Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/ the Head of National Development Planning Agency Sofyan Djalil, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Rini Soemarno, and Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly. (FID/DID/ES) (RAS/EP/YM/Naster)