President Jokowi: Human Development is Key to Golden Indonesia Vision

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 November 2023
Category: News
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President Jokowi attends National Working Meeting of the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Institute (LDII), at Minhaajurrosyidiin Grand Ballroom, Jakarta (11/07). (Photo by: BPMI of Presidential Secretariat)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Tuesday (11/07) underscored the importance of human resources development as the key to achieve the 2045 Golden Indonesia vision.

“It is true that the key, as Mr. Chriswanto [LDII’s Chair of the Central Management Board] stated earlier, lies on the human development. The LDII (Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Institute) is also on the right track, the statement of Mr. Chriswanto emphasizing nationalism, faith, education, health as factors that build Indonesian characters was also on point,” the President said during the opening of National Working Meeting of the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Institute (LDII), at Minhaajurrosyidiin Grand Ballroom, East Jakarta.

President Jokowi went on to say that Indonesia is currently facing global challenges such as global economic uncertainty, climate change, and wars in several countries. However, he showed optimism that Indonesia is able to address these challenges by upholding the spirit of unity.

“I have mentioned that 2024, 2029, and 2034 are crucial years to determine the advancement of Indonesia. Thus, a strong national leadership, strong unity and solidarity are needed,” he said adding that the strong national leadership plays an important role in realizing the 2045 Golden Indonesia vision.

On that occasion, the President also reminded all that the huge opportunity is also coupled with great challenges. Therefore, he added, strong national leadership is needed to unite the country in realizing the vision. (TGH/UN) (RAS/MMB)

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