President Jokowi: Indonesia is A Role Model for Multiculturalism

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 Juni 2018
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President Jokowi have a dialogue with citizen in a gathering at Asshiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School, Karawang Regency, West Java, Wednesday (6/6) (Photo: PR/Jay)

President Jokowi have a dialogue with citizen in a gathering at Asshiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School, Karawang Regency, West Java, Wednesday (6/6) (Photo: PR/Jay)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said that Indonesia is known by other countries as a diverse country that still can maintain its unity.

“Last month during a meeting with 100 World Islamic scholars, we introduced the concept ‘Islamic Middle Path’—Islam as mediating and balancing power. The ulemas who attended the event appreciated what we have practiced: a moderate and peaceful Islam,” said President Jokowi during a gathering with ulemas and public figures of Karawang Regency at Asshiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School, Karawang Regency, Java West, Wednesday (6/6).

According to the President, that is a characteristic of Islam in Indonesia.

The President added that Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar and High Priest of Masjidil Haram who attended the event also expressed their admiration for harmony and brotherhood of Indonesia. Thus, President Jokowi continued, Indonesian people should take this as a power and potential to advance this country. “We are a role model for unity by other countries, so we must not be disunited because of different opinion in politics,” the President emphasized.

President Jokowi also explained that Indonesia is a diverse country with different tribes, religions, customs, and traditions and has 714 tribes with more than 1,100 local languages. “This is God’s blessing given to us. We are indeed different. Indonesia is diverse and plural. This is what I keep reminding to all,” the President continued.

Therefore, President Jokowi called on all participants of the gathering to maintain peace and unity ahead of regional and presidential election because the elections that occur once in 5 years often causes Indonesian people to be hostile and divided because of different opinion in regent, mayor, governor, as well as president election.

“It’s a very big loss for us (to be divided) because our nation’s great asset is unity and harmony,” the President added.

On that occasion, President Jokowi also invited scholars and caretakers of Islamic boarding schools in Karawang Regency to maintain ukhuwah islamiyah (Islamic brotherhood) and ukhuwah wathaniyah (national solidarity). “Please use our political rights to elect the best leader for the district, city, province, or national. After the election period, we should be united again. Do not let politics divide us” President Jokowi concluded.

Accompanying President Jokowi in the event were First Lady Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo, member of Presidential Advisory Board (Wantimpres) Agum Gumelar, Coordinator of Presidential Special Staff Teten Masduki, and Governor  of West Java Ahmad Heryawan. (FID / ES) (STU/EP/Naster)

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