President Jokowi: Indonesia Upholds Harmony in Diversity

President Jokowi and Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar before the opening ceremony of High Level Consultation of World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyyat Islam at Bogor Presidential Palace, Tuesday (1/5). (Photo by: Bureau of Press, Media, and Information.)
Indonesia supports the revitalization of Wasatiyyat Islam in Islamic World. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo made the statement in his remarks at the opening ceremony of High Level Consultation of World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyyat Islam at Bogor Presidential Palace on Tuesday (1/5).
“We believe in Wasatiyyat Islam. We want to show the world that Islam is a religion of rahmatan ‘lil alamin, a mercy to all creation,” the President said, adding that Muslims should become role model in maintaining peace and unity.
“We must become the leader in maintaining world peace and become the driving force of world progress, the President further said.
According to President Jokowi, Muslim countries have achieved a lot of progress in economic development, political development and science and technology, compared to other countries.
On the other hand, the President said, the world is also facing worrying phenomena: The rapidly expanding communication technology and the widespread use of social media have significant social implications.
“(Social media) can facilitate interaction, but it can also become the medium to spread hate speech and radicalism. It is a big challenge in developing concept and teachings of Wasatiyyat, President Jokowi said.
According to the President, Indonesia welcomes the spirit of moderation in the Islamic world. The President further said that the high-level consultation forum is an event to share experiences in tasamuh (tolerance), shura (deliberation), tawassut (taking the middle path), and qudwatiyah (becoming the pioneer for the prosperity of humankind).
President Jokowi also expressed his hope that Wasatiyyat Islam movement should be a worldwide movement that inspires leaders, Ulemas, youth and Muslims to be consistent in the path of Islamic moderation. The President also said that the involvement of the Ulemas is very important since they are the heirs of the Prophets and the role models for Ummah.
“If the Ulemas unite to implement Islamic moderation then I am optimistic that Wasatiyyat Islam in Islamic World will be a mainstream movement that give hope for a peaceful, safe, prosperous and just world, and bring social justice, “President Jokowi said.
At the beginning of his speech, the President introduced Indonesia as a diverse nation where its people live in harmony. According to the President, diversity is a gift from Allah that must be preserved, and a source of power that makes Indonesia a strong nation.
President Jokowi explained that Indonesia is a democracy with the largest Muslim population in the world, and has diverse religions, ethnicities and cultures. The President said that Indonesian people are grateful for maintaining tolerance, peace and unity in diversity.
The opening ceremony was attended by Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar Prof. Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Ath-Thayeb, 100 prominent Ulemas and Muslim Intellectuals from Indonesia and other countries, ambassadors of friendly countries in Jakarta, and Iranian Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar.
Also present during the event were Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Minister of State Secretariat Pratikno, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin and Presidential Special Envoy for Interfaith and Civilization Dialogs and Cooperation Din Syamsuddin.
After attending the opening ceremony, the President and the participants performed Zuhr prayer led by the Grand Imam of Masjidilharam Saleh Abdullah M Bin Himeid. After that, the participants had lunch in a restaurant in Bogor Botanical Gardens. (BPMI/EN) (RI/MMB/Naster)